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When Felix was in class the next day, he frowned down at his textbook. Someone sat behind him was chewing their gum loudly, and although this was one of his major pet peeves, it wasn't the main reason behind him being upset. Where was Warren?

He headed out of his first class, once it had ended, with a notebook full of nothing but doodles. It was alright. He planned to study in the library later to make up for his morning lapse of concentration.

"Hey," Molly said, as a smile crept onto her face. "You alright?" she asked him.

Felix forced a friendly expression upon his face to hide the fact that he was missing Warren.

"Yeah. Have you seen Warren today?" he asked.

At his question, Molly's eyes grew a fraction larger in surprise.

"No, I haven't. Is everything good between you two?" she asked.

"Yeah, it is," Felix smiled. "I guess it's just weird."

"I get that," Molly said. "So, are you two boyfriends now?" she asked.

This caused Felix's mood to lighten a little. He was Warren's boyfriend, and he was sure Warren would catch up with him as soon as he could.

"We are indeed boyfriends now," Felix said.

"Happiness looks good on you, Waters," Molly said. "I have to go study if I want to pass this exam..." she grumbled. "Speak soon," she said and winked at Felix before heading off towards the library.

Felix walked on through the hallway and didn't know what to do. What had he done before he met Warren? Looking back on it, Felix felt as though his life had been so boring without him. That was just the thing. Warren enriched everything. He made Felix's world a much more beautiful place and when he was absent, Felix couldn't help but miss him.

"Hey," Wynn greeted him.

Felix put his usual charming smile onto his face, as though he wasn't saddened by the severe lack of Warren Green at school.

"Hi Wynn. How's it going?" he asked.

"Good! Where's Warren?" she replied. "It seems weird without him here."

"Doesn't it?" Felix said, as his eyebrows creased together.

The bell rang sooner than Wynn could say anything more on the subject.

"I better go, Felix, got a lunch date with Cleo! I hope he gets in touch soon! See you later," she said.

Felix nodded, as he watched his sister walk away down the hall towards her next class.

A frown returned to Felix's face. The hallways seemed much quieter without Warren beside him. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he felt saddened by Warren's absence. Sometimes, Felix couldn't believe Warren was his. He didn't feel as though he deserved him, but he decided to stop that thought in its tracks, as Ava approached him.

"Hi!" she smiled.

"Hey, Ava," Felix said. "I don't suppose you know where Warren is?" he asked.

"Actually, I do," she said. "And I can show you."

Felix felt relief wash over him, as he started to walk along the hallway with Ava.

The two of them soon approached the door that led out into the school gardens.

There was a large banner tied between two trees with drawings of Basil, Mushroom and Bruno on it, as well as a cute drawing of Felix and Warren holding hands.

"Hey," Warren said, as his eyes locked with Felix's. "Now, I know I've probably gone overboard."

Felix looked around at his surroundings to see flowers, trees, shimmering lanterns and a picnic blanket laid out on the floor. Along with the picnic blanket, there as a picnic basket and plenty of chocolates and cakes.

Warren took a step closer to Felix and his lips curled into a smile.

"But you're worth it," he said.

As his eyes scanned the garden, Felix was overcome by a feeling of astonishment.

"What's all of this for?" he asked. "That wasn't meant to sound ungrateful. I love it."

"Well, I love you. I thought we could have a date here, but I also wanted to ask you something."

"This is so cute!" Ava said.

The two boys looked over at her and chuckled.

Molly arrived to stand beside Ava and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Should we leave them in peace?" she asked.

"Right. Yes. I love you two," Ava said. "See you soon!"

Shortly after that, Ava and Molly left the scene, so Warren turned back to Felix.

"What did you want to ask me?" Felix said.

"Would you do me the honour of being my prom date?" Warren asked and then blushed. "I didn't know if you would think it was lame or not. I know that you may think it's-"

Felix pulled Warren in by his t-shirt to kiss him.

"I would. Only for you, Warren," he said.

"I love you," Warren said.

"I love you, Warren, more than words can say," Felix said.

"Then kiss me again. I think that gives me a pretty good idea," Warren teased.

Felix shook his head in gentle amusement, before he leant in to kiss Warren again.

The past few months had not been easy, but anything that completely changes your life isn't going to be easy.

As Felix's heart pounded inside his chest, he realised that he didn't feel so afraid anymore. No matter what, he was going to heal, and he was never going to have to be alone again.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful I think you are?" Warren asked.

Felix felt heat rise to his cheeks.

"Are you blushing?" Warren asked playfully.

Responding to this question, Felix nudged him gently.

"Who, me? Maybe," he confessed, before he pulled Warren into another tight embrace. "I love you," he whispered. "Thank you."

"For what?" Warren asked.

"For everything," Felix said. His eyes shone as he moved back to look at Warren again. "For everything that you have done for me. For being there. For existing. You don't have to do anything special for me to love you."

"Neither do you, Felix. I am blessed to exist in this moment with you," Warren said, lacing his fingers with Felix's. He felt as though he could take on the world when he was with him.

"And every moment from this point onwards," Felix said and his heart beat steadily within his chest, at peace at last. 

Felix and Warren (boyxboy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant