Magno Antiqua Volcano

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Third Person's POV

"Ok let's end all of this drama for now, we're still not out of trouble" you spoke as you then broke the hug and stand up.

Kazuha was also about to stand up with struggle so you held out your hand for him to grab- to which he did, and that helped him stand up easily.

Kazuha mumbled a thanks as you then smile and nod your head in acknowledgement for his thank you.

Making sure that you and kazuha are ready, you both then started to make your move out in this forest.

"So... What's up with this forest?" He asked all of a sudden breaking the silence.

You looked at him in the corner on your eyes and then let out a sigh.

Right, I haven't explained everything yet.

"Based on my old self's knowledge, I was told that this forest creates illusion out of your fear. The longer we stay here the more chance of us being stuck here until all thats left to us is despair" you explained as the wanderer went silent.

Kazuha seems to be thinking of the scene he saw earlier based on your explanation.

"I see... So what I saw earlier is just an illusion" he spoke with a down tone.

You know well what he feels, you too have experienced the very same thing after all...

It's not easy to recover from something hurtful, especially the ones we get from the people we love and treasure the most.

One's pain just proves of how much we love that person for us to get hurt by the hurtful things they say even if it's all a fake scenario.

This just shows how we want them to loves us as much as we love them.

"Ehem, Well... As I said, we must leave here immediately" you spoke to somehow lessen the down atmosphere between you two.

Kazuha showed a small smile then nodded his head in response.

With that both of you continue your way in the end of the forest.


"This should be the end of the forest" you spoke in exhaustion after about an hour walking around the forest trying to find your way out. Which you successfully did.

Now out of that misty forest, you let out a sigh of relief and immediately let yourself collapse to the ground in exhaustion.

Kazuha who was a few inches behind you saw how you collapse to the ground and immediately think you passed out.

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