A Traveler

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Third person's POV

As you sprinted towards your teacher's abode, urgency coursed through your veins. However, your path was abruptly blocked by a group of menacing Hilichurls. Determined to press on, you bellowed with authority, "I don't have time for all of you, so step aside!"

The Hilichurls responded with growls and snarls, unfazed by your words. Without wasting a moment, you summoned your elemental powers, conjuring a blazing wildfire with your bare hands. The flames engulfed the enemies around you, their shrieks piercing through the air as they succumbed to the inferno.

To your surprise, some of the Hilichurls managed to withstand the flames, their resilience pushing them to continue their assault. Understanding the need for more formidable measures, you swiftly summoned your trusty sword into your grasp. With deftness and precision, you swiftly dispatched the remaining foes, each strike driven by your determination to reach your teacher's abode.

With the path now clear, you resumed your sprint towards your destination, the adrenaline pumping through your body. Time was of the essence, and you couldn't afford to be delayed. The safety of your teacher and the truth behind the unsettling events hung in the balance, spurring you forward with unwavering resolve.

As you entered the abode, you noticed your teacher, Moon Carver, lost in deep contemplation. Without wasting a second, you called out to him, hoping to grab his attention. "Y/N, hold on a second. Why are you covered in bloodstains? And why do you look so frantic? It seems like you're struggling to control your Ying," Moon Carver inquired, his gaze fixed on your disheveled appearance.

"I...I don't have much time to explain the chaotic situation, Teacher. Right now, the most crucial thing is to inform you about what transpired during the Rite of Descension ceremony," you managed to express, your words rushed and filled with urgency. Moon Carver, ever attentive, nodded and gestured for you to continue.

"Rex Lapis, he's..." you began, but before you could elaborate, a sense of impending presence washed over both of you. Instinctively, you and your teacher stepped outside the abode, seeking to investigate the source of the disturbance.

As you stepped outside, you once again found yourself face-to-face with the enigmatic blonde girl and her peculiar floating fairy child. Moon Carver, in his composed manner, approached the two strangers, his curiosity piqued. "And who might you be? Those who dare to enter Jueyun Karst," he questioned, his voice steady and commanding. The girl responded, her voice tinged with an air of mystery, "I was sent here." She revealed a sigil of permission, a rare artifact that caught your attention. It was an item of great significance, allowing passage into and out of the realms of the adepti unharmed—a privilege bestowed only by Rex Lapis himself.

"A sigil of permission... It has been many seasons since one has been in the presence of such an item," Moon Carver remarked, his tone filled with intrigue. You couldn't help but feel a surge of awe and disbelief at the sight of the revered sigil, a symbol of immense authority and recognition from the Geo Archon. Your teacher introduced himself and you, acknowledging the presence of these mysterious visitors.

"Speak, traveler. What business have you here?" Moon Carver inquired, his voice commanding yet open to hearing their purpose. However, before the traveler could respond, two millelith soldiers abruptly arrived on the scene, accusing the visitors of being assassins and intruders. The absurdity of the situation almost made you laugh, but you composed yourself, recognizing the gravity of the accusations.

"We... Argh, there's no choice. Apprehending the assassin is our top priority. We must press on!" declared the head millelith soldier, oblivious to the true circumstances. Your anger flared, causing a small amount of Ying to radiate from you instinctively. However, Moon Carver's stern gaze quickly reminded you to restrain yourself. With a deep breath, you joined your teacher's side, prepared for action.

"Let the traveler handle this, Y/N. It is best if you preserve your reputation among the millelith soldiers, especially if you wish to visit the harbor regularly," Moon Carver advised, stopping you from drawing your sword. Reluctantly, you acquiesced, sighing heavily in resignation. "Yes, Teacher," you replied, putting your sword aside and focusing on the impending clash between the millelith soldiers and the determined traveler.


You couldn't help but be astonished as the blonde girl effortlessly defeated all of the millelith soldiers single-handedly. Her strength far exceeded your initial expectations, and you couldn't shake off the sense of awe. Meanwhile, Moon Carver approached the victorious traveler, his curiosity still intact despite the unexpected turn of events. "We've digressed. State your purpose, traveler," he calmly requested, drawing closer to engage in a conversation. Intrigued, you moved closer as well, eager to hear their response.

"Well..." the traveler began, pausing for a moment before continuing.

The traveler and her companion, Lumine and Paimon, proceeded to recount the details surrounding the death of Rex Lapis, filling in the gaps you had missed in your previous explanation to your teacher. As they spoke, you couldn't help but find their names peculiar, but you quickly dismissed the thought, considering your own unique name. Your teacher had always assured you that having an unusual name was nothing to dwell on. "Preposterous... PREPOSTEROUS!!!" Your teacher suddenly erupted, interrupting your musings about names. The conversation once again turned grave, and you were taken aback by the rare sight of your teacher displaying such anger, raising his voice as he spoke. "The Liyue Qixing... utterly disappointing," he continued, his tone now subdued, though you sensed a simmering anger beneath the surface. It was the first time you had witnessed your teacher so incensed, and you knew he was restraining himself, not wanting to disrespect the joyous occasion of the Rite of Descension. He had a contract to uphold, one formed with Rex Lapis thousands of years ago. Moon Carver was now attempting to regain his composure.

"..." The silence hung in the air as you observed your teacher, realizing that he was contemplating how to relay this message to the other adepti. He couldn't simply stand by and allow this injustice to persist; Rex Lapis deserved justice. Your teacher was plotting his next move, carefully weighing his options.

"Traveler, one among the unjustly accused has taken notice. The truth lies within the mind. However, one must confer with one's peers to test the validity of one's thoughts," your teacher stated, his gaze fixed on Lumine. The blonde girl listened intently, while your mind wandered back to the scene of Rex Lapis's death. Countless questions swirled in your mind, begging for answers. You yearned to implore your teacher to speak faster, to reveal everything to the traveler, but you knew such impatience would be disrespectful and rude. It was a path you dared not tread, for facing your teacher's wrath was the last thing you desired at this moment.

Shaking off the thoughts swirling in your head, you refocused on the ongoing conversation. "Go. Take your sigil of permission and carry with you a message," your teacher instructed, prompting the blonde girl to look at him with confusion. "Who should I look for?" she inquired. Your teacher responded, "Mountain Shaper and Cloud Retainer can be found here. Only fate will decide if you shall find them – only fate." He was right. These two adepti, Mountain Shaper and Cloud Retainer, were elusive beings. Mountain Shaper rarely stayed in his abode, while Cloud Retainer dedicated most of her time to researching ancient mechanisms in her own abode. Typically, meeting them required piquing their curiosity. However, with the sigil of permission in the possession of the blonde girl, it was highly likely that the adepti would already be intrigued by her presence.

"There exists a Conqueror of Demons, a Guardian Yaksha. Go to Wangshu Inn. There, you shall seek him," your teacher continued, adding another name to the mix. The realization hit you that you had almost forgotten about Xiao's involvement in this convoluted scenario.

After your teacher finished speaking, Lumine and Paimon bid their farewell and set off on their journey to seek the other adepti. Meanwhile, your teacher turned his attention towards you. "As for you, Y/N... I expect a lot of questions from you. In exchange, I need answers about what happened earlier in the Rite of Descension," he said, leading you inside his abode. You didn't have much of a choice but to follow him. It was only fair to share everything with your teacher, considering that you were seeking answers yourself.



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