Special Chapter

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Valentine's Day Special

A/N: this chapter is not part of the canon chapter of this fanfic and is just a Valentines Day special. But do take note this chapter takes place Still in tayvat and is somehow connected to the canon story of this fanfic between you and Xiao's love story.

For better experience while reading The first parts of this chapter Play this song until I put another sign for another song

"Brokenhearted" by karmin:


Third Person's POV

It's Valentine's Day in Liyue Harbor, and people are bustling with their own plans to celebrate with their loved ones. On this day, you find yourself with the intention of spending it with your teacher, as your parents, grandparents, and even your brother have their own plans. Being single, you've never been particularly fond of Valentine's Day. The reason? Well, it's clear that the source of your dislike stems from the fact that you haven't found anyone special. It can't be helped, right? You simply haven't had the time for such things. Besides, there's already someone you love deeply, but he doesn't seem to give a second thought to your feelings.

Even with his aloofness, he's the one person who can make your world come to a halt whenever he's near. The sight of him, especially when he looks at you with his cat-like golden eyes, is enough to render you speechless. He's just so perfect that it's impossible not to get lost in his gaze. However, like any other woman would, you find yourself becoming shy and vulnerable around Xiao. Despite having known each other for a long time, you can't bring yourself to confess your love. You fear losing the strong friendship you've built with him, especially since he's notoriously distant from mortals and it's challenging to form a bond with him.

You're currently in your room at your teacher's abode, peacefully occupied with your own thoughts when you hear your teacher calling for you. "Y/N, are you there?" You get up from your bed and make your way towards your teacher. "Is something the matter, teacher?" you ask, curious about the reason for their call. Your teacher shakes their head and replies, "No, there's no problem at all. I simply think that you're feeling quite lonely, Y/N. Why don't you go to the harbor and enjoy the rest of the day?"

You know deep down that you don't really feel like going, but you also consider that a change of scenery might do you good and provide an opportunity to enjoy the day. "Uhm... sure, teacher! I was actually going to ask for your permission to go to the harbor. Since we're here now... I'll just head over there. I'll be back," you say, bidding your farewell to your teacher. With mixed feelings, you prepare to leave and embark on your journey to the harbor.


As you step into the bustling harbor, you're immediately greeted by the sight of couples enjoying their time together. The thought of retreating back to your teacher's abode and isolating yourself for the rest of the day crosses your mind, but you quickly dismiss it. You've already made your decision, and it's time to stick with it. Instead, you decide to head towards the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor to meet up with your best friends, Hu Tao and Yanfei.

To your surprise, you find Hu Tao and Yanfei outside the Parlor, seemingly free from their usual responsibilities. You approach them and greet them, "Hey, guys, I'm here." Your presence catches their attention. "Oh my gosh, Y/N! It's the first time you've come to the harbor on Valentine's Day!" Hu Tao exclaims with excitement, causing Yanfei to quickly hush her, saying, "Archons, Hu Tao, please lower your voice. People are staring!"

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