A proper goodbye

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Third Person's POV

Two days after that confession, you and Xiao started dating.

In secret.

Why? Well let's just say the Yaksha is Shy about it.

But well nvm mind that cuz that doesn't matter anyways cuz everybody obviously knows just by how you two act.

You two are a terrible actors.

Well it's not like it matters anyways.

As soon as Xiao gets to be more confident I'm sure you two can shout to the world about your and his relationship.

For now you two are taking things slow and steady to maintain a really good relationship despite just dating for two days.

Xiao was happy and you are happy, that's all it matters.

But that's just for now...

"Hey Y/N! and hey Xiao!" A high pitched voice greeted as you and Xiao looked at the person that called both of you.

"Hey Lumine! Hey paimon!" You greeted back as soon as you saw both Lumine and paimon approaching your usual table.

"Wow you two are eating lunch together? I thought you two only eat dinner together" paimon questions when she saw how you and Xiao are together even in this kind of time.

"Well we do , but starting just a few days ago when Xiao became my teacher in his Adeptal Arts, I decided to be by his side as always" you said in half lie half truth.

"Wow I didn't know you can switch teacher, paimon thought Moon Carver is the only teacher you have" she added a comment as you give her a smile.

"Moon Carver is indeed my teacher but when it comes to learning each Adeptal arts every adeptus has, they must teach me by themselves as my teacher can only monitor from a far to know how much I progress" you explained as paimon stared at you in awe.

"So what brings you two here?" You asked wondering what businesses do they have here.

"You see Y/N, me and paimon are going to say goodbye to liyue for now" Lumine answered as you were surprised y her answer.

"If you're leaving Liyue then where are you going now?" You asked once again as her floating companion was the one who answered the question.

"We're going to Inazuma! We won the crux clash a few days ago so beidou and her crew planned on taking us there"

She said that oh so cheerfully as you went silent.

If beidou and her crew is going to take Lumine and paimon are going to inazuma, doesn't that mean...

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