An accidental question

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

After getting ready for the day you went down and found Verr and Xiao talking. "Well that's a relief, I'm glad she's awake now" you heard Verr said as you were guessing that they were talking about your condition. "Good Morning" you greeted as the two of them turn their attention towards you. "Good Morning too Y/N, im guessing you're doing fine now?" Verr asked as you nodded then looked over to Xiao who noticed you looking at him. "Ready to eat?" You asked him as he give a small nod and went towards the usual table with you following him from behind.

When you two both arrive on the table you immediately ordered your F/F and ofc Xiao's almond tofu. Withen a few minutes both of your food are now infront of you as you then started digging in. You both are silent as you eat, well that's until Xiao started the conversation. "You're in vacation, what are you planning to do for awhile?" He asked as you stopped eating your food and look at him "Hmm....I don't know, maybe I should spend my time in the harbor and catch up with friends and my brother?" You said but still unsure, you paused for awhile then asked Xiao "How about you? Are you busy as usual?" Xiao nodded his head as a response as you let out a sigh. "Well too bad, I was actually thinking of spending my time with you if you're not busy, but since you are busy then I guess I'll spend my time in the harbor today" you said as you then take the last bite of your meal then stand up. "Well, see you later then." With that you left the Inn and head to the harbor to spend your day with friends.


"Great! Instead of having my peaceful time here in the harbor, I'm now handing coupons to people" you said complaining to Hutao who drag and give you the task to give coupons to people after seeing you arrive in the harbor. "Wow, I totally forgot I have clients this afternoon well gtg!" Yanfei lied as she tries to run away but instantly fails because of Hutao dragging her back to her place. "Don't lie to me fei, I heard you're off duty today so help me with this coupons" Hutao said as you and Yanfei give her a fake happy smile and sighed after she turns around, we then started handing out some coupons to people. "Buy 1 get 1 coffin, only here on Wangshen Funeral Parlor!!" Hutao shouted to the crowd as she then elbows Yanfei to start shouting too. With no choice Yanfei also started to join hutao with the shouting as you just silently give people the coupons to make your job quick.

If you have to be honest, giving coupons to people is not easy at all! You have to stand for like hours just to give as much coupons as possible. You, Yanfie, and lastly Hutao have been like standing non stop for almost one hour already and still Hutao is still much energetic while you and Yanfei are dying to sit down on a chair and drink some cold water or even better some juice. "Hutao can we like sit and relax for a bit?" A tired Yanfei said as Hutao Simply shook her head and answered. "Nope, no break until you manage to give all that coupons to people."

You and Yanfei are speechless, you both can't even argue with her because you both know how well she can be in arguments. "Dear Archons, if anyone of you can hear me then please help!" Yanfei said as you then Zhongli passed by right on time. "Mr. Zhongli!" You called out slightly breathless because of how tired you are. Zhongli noticed you and immediately went towards you."Y/N, is something the matter? You look tired" he asked and with no hesitation you nod your head at him and said "Please help us! Hutao won't give us any mercy!" You said as Zhongli let out a chuckle and pat your head "Don't worry I'll talk to director Hu, also I told you to call me Peepaw right?" As he said those words he immediately approach hutao and started talking to her, then suddenly a flashback from your dream appear

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