The Battle between The Overlord of Vortex

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Third Person's POV

Going out outside the Golden House to chase childe definitely confirm that something terrible is about to happened. Based on the really thick dark sky and the crazy brewing storm that is happening in the ocean that is seen clear even here in the Golden House is definitely not a good thing and must be stop

~An Hour Before The Incident happened after you left The Jade Chamber ~

Xiao has been listening to the meeting this whole time but then he noticed you are missing, so Xiao went closer towards Moon Carver in attempt to ask about you "Moon Carver have you seen Y/N?" He asked in a whisper tone "don't worry that child is not slacking off, I send her to a different mission. A mission of guarding the place where the Exuvia was hidden" Moon Carver answers. Despite the reassurance of Moon Carver, Xiao couldn't help but feel a somehow strange feeling that lead him to slightly worry about you. Xiao knows how strong you are but despite being strong, Xiao knows that you're just an ordinary human and have a fragile body just like every mortals but.... Is that really the case though?

Xiao was thinking about you and your safety but it can't be helped, Xiao needs to focus back on the meeting. So then the meeting was progressing for an hour now and everyone was focus on the meeting but that was until they can feel that the jade chamber is somehow shaking a little. Ningguang thinks that a normal thunderstorm cannot just simply shake the Jade Chamber, that's when all of the Qixing and Adeptis step outside only to see the Dark Shade of Skys and the rage of the brewing storm coming from the ocean, specifically coming from the Guyun Stone Forest. "Osial, The Overlord of Vortex is– is awoken"

~back to the present time in your situation~

"Huh? He's– He's already Gone! That guy is fast...." Paimon said as you and Lumine looked everywhere in the place to look for childe but looking over the place the three of you saw the Jade Chamber Instead Passing by and going to the direction of Osial "Wha– what's going on?" Paimon stated in panic as three of you then saw the Raging Ancient god that just Raised in the deeps of the Ocean "Osial...."


"*panting* Paimon's exhausted.... If we hadn't happened to see the Jade Chamber flying over just as we came out of the Golden House, we really wouldn't have known which way to go..." Paimon stated as soon as the three of you thankfully manage to get up in the Jade Chamber "whew did we make it in time? Is the Overlord of Vortex still in the sea? It hasn't destroyed liyue yet, has it?" Paimon said asking a lot of questions as you just looked at the sea, seeing Osial gives you this strange goosebumps all over your body as if you experience fighting it for Thousands of years Ago.
"What....are you doing here?" A Sudden familiar voice asked from behind as you and Lumine looked at the person only to find Xiao is the one asking. Xiao's look towards you sent a worried one while his gaze on Lumine is Unexplainable as if he find himself really curious of how this girl always get her self tied up in this kind of situations "Huh... Hold on! It's the adepti! What are you doing on the Jade Chamber? Paimon thought you were arguing with the Qixing... Is the fighting over?" Paimon asked as you then went beside your teacher and continue to listen in the conversation "Faced with a calamity of such magnitude, we have agreed to put our differences aside for now and unite against this common enemy." Ningguang answers as your teacher just look away "hmph!"

"Oh, Paimon gets it....So, how do you plan to defend liyue? And Uhh....just seeing the Overlord of Vortex guys puts a pit in Paimon's tummy, even from all the way out here" Paimon comments as Keqing then stepped forward "Its not just you. We've got new millelith recruits who can't even stand at attention without shaking. The force of the Ancient god's presence seems to be too much for ordinary people to handle.... Which is why we must stop that monster before it gets any closer to liyue harbor!" Keqing stated as paimon feels freak out because of kequing's words "So the Archon War was fought two thousand years ago against enemies like that thing? Now....that's scary"

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