Blood bend his body pointing one finger at Vanitas

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Blood bend his body pointing one finger at Vanitas.

Blood: Blood Shoot!

The fists all came down pummeling Blood then Blood Shoot hit Vanitas stomach sending him back canceling his attack.

Blood: Hahaha!

Blood slowly got up his body was in pain but he still laughing, he was excited.

Blood: I never have this much fun in hundred years Blue!

Vanitas also got back up his stomach heal but the pain are still there. He started to breath heavily as more smoke coming out from his body turn back to his normal size, some of his hair fall back down and the dark blue marking now only cover his arms not even reach his shoulder. He was tire but he still hold on to his form for as long as he could.

Blood: How about we end this with a final attack, Blue?

Vanitas: Sound good to me.

Blood smile.

Blood: Blood Stalk!

Nothing happen.

Vanitas: Seem you are out of mana.

Blood: Tck. Blood Blades!

Blood blade form in his hand but there was only one.

Vanitas: Get you still have some left in you.

Blood: Let end this Blue!

Vanitas swing his right arm back as it stretch out, Blood got closer to him and swing his sword, Vanitas also throw his attack.

Vanitas: King Cobra!

Blood: Stain!

The blade cut into Vanitas shoulder it almost cut to his bone but stop before it could go far. This make the other eyes widen in shock and horror.

While Vanitas's arm is going through Blood stomach.

Blood: This was... fun.

The blood blade disappear and Vanitas pull his arm out, Blood fall back breathing heavily, he know that he was going to die but he was smiling. He was happy to meet and fought Vanitas. While Vanitas fall to his knees was his body let out a large amount of smoke turning back to normal.

Blood: I really enjoyed our time, Blue. I wonder... what if... that day... it was you that I met instead of her.

Vanitas: Who?

Blood: Salem. *chuckle* Maybe some day... we could walk on... the same path together.

Vanitas: I can help you with that.

Blood: Don't waste... your mana on me, Blue. I'm just a failure... Being enslaved by a witch... for hundred years.

He open the Book of Vanitas as the pages flip with blue light coming out from it.

Vanitas: I am thou, thou art I... Let the fate that guide us hear, became the symbol of our bond. Let us walk this path together, forever as one. Heaven or Hell... It's doesn't matter.

Blood body glow a bright blue light begin turning into light and going inside Vanitas. Then Vanitas passed out from exhaustion.

Time Skip

Vanitas wake up seeing that he was in the bullhead heading back to Beacon. He look around seeing that he was lying on Coco's lap, she was asleep. He look around also seeing that the other was asleep. He try getting up but his body hurt.

Vanitas: Tck.

He pushed through the pain and got up seeing his coat, and shirt was rip and burn revealing his upper body that was cover in bandage.

Vanitas: Where is-

He look around seeing his book and bags, that was lying in Ruby arms. He open it seeing the regeneration potion deciding whether to drink it or not. In the end he just put it away since his body was in no condition to received the feeling of being cut with in this state.

Ruby: Vanitas...

Ruby slowly open her eyes seeing Vanitas, tear began to far from her eyes as she charge at him trying to hug him but.

Ruby: Vanitas!

Vanitas: Wait!

He was tackle down by her speed, this woke up the other, Vanitas grunted in pain.

Vanitas: Get off me Ruby!

Ruby: Sorry.

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