chap 6 Proof of Love

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Author POV

Advitya is sitting on a chair with lights off. A little light is peeping through the window. He is playing with the ball, throwing it to the wall . Ball is bouncing back to him . He is not playing but thinking.

Many past statements are running in back  of his mind ..


"But sometimes we are deceived by the enemies in disguise."

"She will ruin you Advitya."

"Your father must be very proud of you".

Suddenly he covered his ears and breath heavily. He immediately stood up and grab the water bottle and gulped the water in one go.

He tried to breath deeply with eyes closed. He calmed his nerves. And first thing he checked with his eyes opened is the time! It shows 6:30 pm . His wife still not returned.

Adhya POV

When i was driving back to my home after meeting Aaru ,Bhai and Jade, i recieved call from Advitya's doctor. He said he wanted to discuss something important about Ashish.
Right now i am going to hospital. I am tensed what he wanted to say?

"May i come in doctor"!..

"Mrs Aashi , please come in".

I sat down on chair.

"Mrs Ashi, meet Ashish's  psychiatrist and counsellor. Dr James." The doctor who treated Advitya that day said.

"Hello!" I said.

"Hello, Mrs Aashi, sorry to bother you at this time. May we know how is Ashish! He skipped 2 sessions of counselling. Last time when he visited me it was 3 months back. i told him to come back but he never visited. We know he was suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome. That time he had agressive behaviour. I got to know he was fainted 2 days back and he found his wife as well." He smiled at me. "I am happy for him".! He said.

"He is ok doctor. But sometimes he lost himself into in his thoughts.. He is getting angry on little things. There are mood swings as well." I replied.

"That means he is showing extreme behaviour". Doctor thinks for a while and then he replied.

"Be careful Mrs Aashi, because in extreme cases of PTSD, patients are unpredictable, they get triggered easily. Never make them remember their painful past, the people ,the things ,the incidence with which that reminds them bad memories. New findings and realisation can make them uneasy too.
You have to be very patient with him , only then he can recover fully. If he is anxious, you have to be optimised. If he is showing anger, you have to be calm.  And i suggest you must careful around him too. Sometimes such patients don't realise what they are doing. Please understand this".. He said.

"But he is my husband. He can't harm me". I said

"I am sure he loves you. He remember you in sleep. We all have witnessed that. But While treating Ashish i realised that he is thinking about something very deeply". He said.

"What could it be?". I asked.

"Don't knw but  at times, he Just goes into his deep thoughts. Stares for long. Then comes back to his senses. As if nothing happened. Mrs Aashi i am not making you worried , it is just i am just making you cautious. Human brain can make you do things  which you can't even imagine. We don't even know what a personal is thinking.. There is no personality disorders as such, in broader range, we all have different personalities within us. That come out time to time according to situation".  He said

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