Author Note

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Hello readers!!

I know you want Adhya Advitya's reconciliation. And i also know many people are disappointed with the ending of book 1. I want to assure my readers that you won't be disappointed with the progression of the story. Don't you think ist part has many missing links? There was no proper justice to the many characters. Arun Alice Jaideep etc need a proper character growth. They are integral part of the Adhya and Advitya's life . Coming back to our Main characters , Advitya and Adhya , their character growth is needed. We know past life of Adhya but what about Advitya. ?

My book is not a normal romantic story , it's a MYSTERY THRILLER ROMANCE. Besides it's an ORIGINAL work.
Please be patient. Many things are going to be revealed in most unexpected way.

Thank you for your appreciation reviews and suggestions. Love you❤️😊

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