There's about 1,000+ kids in this school and I would hate sharing, I'm also glad there's no P.E class which there's no gym cause it all takes place in our ginormous backyard where my forest area is, a basketball court, an area of a lake with targets on the other side which is mainly used for practice on our abilities which is pretty cool.

But I'm just glad there's no locker rooms because that's classic stereotypical bullying shit I don't wanna go through...not like it matters anyways because no one gives a fuck...And yes, I do tell Charles I'm getting bullied...I mean he's a telepath, he knows what's going on with me regardless and he does punish those who do harm,

But it's like the technical term for grounding, he has them stay in their room all day or for weeks depending on how bad they hurt me and have them do nothing but their schoolwork...but they eventually all come back and target me for being a 'tattletale' and it's just this endless loop so it really does fuck all.

I sighed as I turned on the water and splashed my face with cold water before scrubbing my face with some of my facewash. When I finished, I pat my face dry and sighed as I headed back to my room and figured out what to wear. I was a bit on the chilly side seeing as it was October.

I hopped out of my pj's which consisted of cute soft shorts with a comfy sweater. I decided to wear simply black jeans with a grey turtleneck. I slid on my flats, grabbed my bag and headed out of my room hearing kids all over the place as they were getting ready for school as well.

I sighed as I headed downstairs and to the kitchen to get something to eat and get some coffee. I'm glad Charles loves and trusts me enough to allow me to eat in his office. I walked in the kitchen seeing the other teachers like Hank McCoy and Logan Howlett plus some others who I've only met once because of Charles and because I only work with Charles and either never leave my room or my little forest area.

I sighed as I grabbed a mug and poured myself a cup of coffee and put some bread in the toaster. Once my toast had popped, I put butter on them and headed to Charles' office but being careful not to spill anything or bump into any other kids...who love shoving me and bumping into me.

When I got to Charles' Office, I struggled to open the door and sighed as I finally got it after putting a piece of toast in my mouth and balancing the other on my arm while holding my coffee mug. I walked in seeing Charles writing things up on his white board that I assume we would be working on today.

He looked at me and chuckled which made me smile as I closed the door with my foot before carefully sitting down in a chair and setting down my coffee mug and other piece of toast and taking a bite out of the one in my mouth, "Morning professor" I greeted once I finished the food in my mouth.

He chuckled and smiled "Mornin' Faith, shall we get started or do you wanna wait till your done with breakfast?" he asked, I smiled as I got out my books "I'm good. Let's go" I said, he smiled and nodded as he read a textbook and I followed along and jotted down notes and answered the questions he asked.

He'd then give me a worksheet to do and occasionally some tests and essays which was all good and I'm fine with because I do well in school and since I have no friends, it's all I basically work on. Plus, I like learning about this stuff, especially about my powers because Charles makes it seem like they're cooler and more important than I think they are and he knows how to make me feel better about it so.

He liked to dramatically explain about all the other heroes and villains that have my abilities and what more I could do with it if I trained hard enough...and I liked training so why not? I mean the other kids love to ruin my forest by running or stomping on them or simply using their powers to destroy them...but every day, I always fix what is broken...wish I could say the same for me but it doesn't work that way...because I have wounds that won't heal and they're inside...How do you fix the inside of what's broken and that won't fix within time?

Wounds That Won't Heal (Peter Maximoff Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora