Final Boss

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She dropped her arms over me sending the giant green ball of energy into my face. I put my arms up to defend myself and waited for the pain, but there wasn't any. With my arms still over my face, I peeked out between my elbows. I saw the energy all around me. I saw her still pushing an energy blast in my direction, but I didn't feel any pain. I slowly removed my arms and put them under me to sit up. Still no pain. I looked around confused. After a few moments, she stopped and turned her attention to Dad.

"You dare shield her from me, Jorlar!"

I looked at Dad. His palms were outstretched toward me and his body was glowing gold. The strain of his intense power was weakening him even more. He was going to pass out if he kept it up much longer. While she was distracted, I swung my feet at her ankles sending her to the ground.

Before I could get back up she grabbed me by my hair and smashed my face into the ground. It hurt. My ears started ringing. She pushed her knee and all of her weight into my back before pulling my head up from the ground. She pulled a dagger from her leg (or wherever she was keeping it) and placed it under my neck. I could feel the blade start slicing into my flesh when I heard someone call my name. Suddenly, all the pressure on my body disappeared.

I opened my eyes. Weller was fighting Serena. He had called my name. Not one of my titles but my actual name. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. He fought her off for me. Not because he wanted to save her soul, but because he wanted to save me.

"Cricket," yelled Dad ripping me from my awestruck silence.

I nodded and pulled everyone's energy back to me. They were all bonded with me and I with them. They were all counting on me to save the world and I had the power of love on my side. I could feel their love, their trust, and their belief in me. Not one of them believed I would fail so I couldn't.

Serena shot another energy blast at Weller, this time was close range. I was worried about him, but I had to continue. Then I felt his energy flow inside of me. I didn't call for it, it just showed up there and wrapped around me.

"Cricket." I heard his sweet voice in my head. "Take the last of my power and heal Serena."

"The last of it? Does that mean that you'll be...I mean you can't be...?" I refused to say dead.

"The Darkness has taken over her heart. She is no longer the woman I swore to protect."

"I won't let you die, Weller."

"I swore my life to protect her, Cricket, as I swore my life to protect you. I am keeping the promises I made."

He completely wrapped his energy around me. There was no way for me to fight him off.

"Weller, please don't. Weller?"

He was gone.


I wrapped my arms around myself and then looked at Serena. I saw right through to her blackened soul. Weller was right. She had been taken over. In my own mind, I saw her asleep and bound with thorns floating off into limbo. No matter what happened to me, I had to defeat this evil being.

"My name is Cricket Abigail Mohs, the true Priestess of the Blood and protector of Endarys. I command you to reveal yourself!"

A black smoke emerged from Serena's pores. There was a strange mix of growling and laughter as it came out of her. Finally, it appeared as a mass of black smoke standing around the height of Lorne but it was hovering a foot or so off the ground. It had a crazy, cartoony Joker type of smile and narrow pointed sockets where eyes should be, but the space was all white except for two thin yellow circles I assumed were pupils. It laughed.

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