Splitting Up

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Everyone was in such awe of Dad that I didn't know what I should do. He kept them under strict protocol which was something I didn't really like. I guess it was to keep them from being too familiar with me because, as a father, none of these men were good enough for his little girl.

Everything was quiet in Aldavia as well. I didn't even hear the sound of a bird.

"Watch for puppets," Dad said. He pulled back and let Deshawn and Raven take the lead for a moment. "Jor Second Breen, take my daughter."

"Are you going to say please, Dad?"

He looked at me.

"Well, you're the one who always pushed politeness into me. You should say please."

"Lady Priestess," said Silver. "It would be an honor to guard you in Jorlar Mohs' stead. There is no need for such pleasantries."

I grumbled. "Fine."

I felt Silver's amusement as he pulled me over to his horse. He held me tightly for a moment before securing the reins with both hands. Dad gave him a look of disapproval before heading toward the front.

Dad barked more orders. "Jor Aldain, Jor Wynewood, check for any signs of survivors. There's a secret entrance underneath the altar chambers where members of the resistance used to meet. I believe they still meet there from time to time. We'll need all the help we can get. Jor Second Breen will accompany you with the Lady Priestess."

"I know the place," Raven said.

"Wait," said Quinton. "I want to talk to the Lady Priestess privately."

"It's not safe," said Dad.

"I want to speak with her," Quinton ordered. As if he could. Not to a jorlar.

"You forget your place," Dad replied.

"Dad, stop being such a dick."

"Cricket, don't use such language."

"Quit being one and I won't have to call you one." I looked at Silver. "Please help me down."

Silver reluctantly did as he was told. Everyone circled around us. I assumed it was a privacy circle where they could protect me, at least that's what I'm going to call it. Quinton jumped down from the back of Aaron's horse and squeezed me tightly when I got in range.

"I remembered where I saw the secret texts." He pulled a piece of parchment from a pouch around his waist. "It says 'In the age of Rem, in the Time of the Awakening, near the city of grain will be born a child red of hair and noble birth. She shall be trained in the ancient ways of light before being extinguished.

"In the age of Rem near the end of light, The Great Servant shall again appear near the village of water. So shall she too be trained in the ancient ways and guarded by the ancient warriors and guided to the first temple.'" He folded the parchment and placed it back in the pouch. "The rest has been ripped away and I have not been able to acquire another copy."

"What does it mean?"

"This was all preordained, Cricket. Novalus is a city that grows grain. Raven said her sister was born during The Time of Awakening. Lod is a fishing village by the water where you first appeared. And Aldavia was built over the very first temple. It has all been foretold." He hesitated. "What I am not sure of is how this prophecy ends."


He grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. "You will be successful, Cricket, and when you are, you would have saved Endarys and other young women in the future. You will stop the need for the regeneration altogether."

"Oh," I said. Hey, no pressure.

He lifted me and whispered in my ear.

"I want you to know that I care for you a great deal, Cricket."

I chuckled. "I know. My dad doesn't approve I'm sure."

"I'll wait for you for however long it takes. I'll wait for you." He kissed me gently on my cheek before returning to Aaron and jumping on the back of the horse like an action star. "Let's go."

Aaron rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Lady Priestess," said Silver. He walked his mare over and wrapped his arms around me. "Please allow me to protect you now." He lifted me on the horse and jumped on behind me.

I wrapped my arms around him. It was probably shameful of me to lead on two men, but I didn't care. It was the first time a guy wanted to be with me let alone two or if I'm counting everyone, two kings, three jor and a woman.

"Dad, are you sure it's a good idea for us to split up? I mean, haven't you ever seen a horror movie? Splitting up means certain death."

"I need to protect you, darling, and the best way to do that is to keep you away from the danger."

"I can help, you know. I'm supposed to have powers too. I mean I've got an unprecedented five jor bonded with me. Sorry, four jor and a super famous all-powerful jorlar. I can do this."

Aaron interjected. "As much as I hate to admit it, Cricket," he used my name just to irritate Dad. "I agree with your father. I would not want to see you injured."

"That's sweet, Aaron, but it's my job to save the world. I'm the priestess, remember?" I smiled at him.

"Cricket!" Dad spat between his teeth.

"Oh my, Jorlar Mohs, you aren't following proper protocol calling me by name like that," I teased, but he wasn't very happy about that. He gave me The Look. Everyone knows The Look. It's the look parents give to let their children know that they have five seconds to behave or the parent will kill the child, their defense being 'I brought you into this world and I can take you out.' Like that would get them an acquittal. "Sorry, Dad," was my immediate response after that look, as it should be with all children who push their parents too far and want to live to see tomorrow.

He grunted and took off for the Cavern of the Priestess to face Serena with Aaron and Quinton right behind them.

"Do not fret," said Silver. "I will take very good care of you."

"I don't doubt that, Silver. It's Dad I'm worried about. He seems so different here from the man I grew up with. I'm not sure I like it. And now he's run off with Aaron for the altar. I'm scared."

Silver tightly wrapped his arms around me. I could feel his breath in my hair. "Your father is very strong. He can handle it on his own without either of them. Quinton is more of an insurance policy since he has the blood of the king flowing through him."

"Because he can control her. Whit...um, His Majesty told me that he had a hard time controlling her sometimes. I wonder if half his blood is enough for Quinton to do anything."

"Are you two going to stay all lovey-dovey or are we going to get this over with?" Raven shouted.

Silver blushed and immediately released me. I couldn't help but laugh

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