Unwanted Encounter

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Someone was calling me. I could hear her in the distance and went in search of her. There was a strange mist all around the room and outside. I called out to her.


"Cricket, help me."

"Where are you?"

"Help me."

The voice sounded odd like it was there but also wasn't. It echoed around itself but I could still follow it. I walked around town looking for the source of the voice. The mist continued to get more dense as I walked. Soon it was hard to see anything. I felt isolated and trapped but I continued to follow the sound of the voice.

I heard footsteps behind me. They didn't sound human. It was a scratching on the cobblestone pathway and a low growl. I looked all around me but couldn't find the source of that noise either. I started to run hoping I wouldn't crash into some building in the thick fog. The animal steps kept up with my pace.

I hit something and fell to the ground. I heard a female laugh. I looked up and could see pieces of a long green dress, slender white arms, and what appeared to be a mass of sleek red hair much deeper in color than my own.

"Are you the one who's been calling me?"

I heard the laughter again.

I looked around for the animal as the fog began to clear a little. The only visible area was the small circle surrounding me and pieces of the woman standing in front of me.

"Do I know you?"

She laughed again.

I stood and approached her carefully.

"Who are you?"

Her face suddenly appeared out of the fog causing me to jump. She looked like me except she had green eyes.

"I'm you."

"You're not me. I'm me."

She shook her head.

"No, you're me."

I looked down and was wearing the same dress. There was a growling coming from all around me. The woman's shrill laughter started echoing in with the growling. A gray paw come towards me and I watched the area intently. Suddenly, a beast leaped out of the fog with snarling teeth bared.

I quickly sat up from the bed and looked around. I guess I had been dreaming. Again. A hand quickly grabbed mine followed by an arm wrapping itself around me and pulling me to him. I recognized his smell. He smelled of patchouli and melon. It was an odd sort of scent for him to have, but that's what Weller always smelled like to me. The lantern next to my bed was lit and my eyes adjusted to Weller's face.

"Did you have a nightmare?" he asked. His eyes were back to their loving sparkle and he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I guess so. A beast of some sort was attacking me."

He stopped stroking and looked at Lorne.

"Oh, what is it now?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Calm yourself, Lady Priestess. It was only a dream."

"Judging by your reactions I think there's more to it than that."

He smiled at me. "In this world, the beast is an omen. If the beast was happy and playful, you will be successful. But if the beast was snarling or attacking...."

"I'll fail," I finished. "Great."

Weller hugged me tightly. "You will not fail, Lady Priestess. I know you will succeed."

Edge of EndarysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora