Learning the Legend

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I went through the blue tunnel starting another of what I believed to be one of my dreams. I heard Dad's voice but it wasn't clear, like a bad cell call. He sounded frantic. I called out to him, but he didn't quite hear me. It only lasted a moment before I was awake again.

I felt dizzy when I opened my eyes and wondered if I could really talk to him through that tunnel. I mean, I saw that whole thing with Serena and Weller in a cave, why not communicate with home? That dream really made me miss him. As much as I loved Deshawn and Reece, I still missed having things the way they were before.

Dad and I were very similar. I acted like him, thought the same things he did, and even got my red hair from him. Our relationship was more that of friends than parent and child and he was always teasing me about one thing or another. I missed his teasing.

I got up and started wandering around trying to get my mind off home. There were only a couple of torches lit in the large hall and it was hard to see much of anything. My tired eyes didn't want to make the proper adjustments back and forth between the few lit areas and the many dark ones. I kicked and stumbled over someone sleeping in the shadows as I tried to find my way.

"Do you need something?" Lorne's deep voice startled me so much that I squeaked. He chuckled at the sound. "What was that?"

"You scared me."

"I did not mean to frighten you." The incredible silence made his voice sound even deeper. It vibrated throughout my body.

I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was smiling. It may not have been a large smile. Maybe he was hiding it, maybe he wasn't because he knew it was too dark for me to see it, but I knew he was doing it. It made me angry.

"I didn't think anyone would be awake so early," I said. "Or late, you know, however you want to put it."

"Someone has to stay alert to watch over you."

"But I thought there were guards hiding up all ninja style outside of the hall and by the doors and whatnot. Wouldn't that give you a chance to relax?"

"I am relaxed."

I could just smack him sometimes. It's like he was deliberately trying to annoy me, just like Dad. I saw the shape of his head and the whites of his eyes reflecting in the light. I had no clue he was even that close to where my bed was. I guess I knew why that rock I was leaning against was so comfortable.

I looked around some more but didn't move from where I was standing.

"A little to your left," Lorne whispered.


"Move a few inches to your left and look down. He's right there."

I did as instructed. When I looked down, I saw Weller. How did I miss seeing him? His face was almost directly on the edge of the light. I whipped my head around to look at Lorne and saw the smile leave his eyes before they disappeared back into the darkness.

"How did...?" I shook it off.

I knelt down on the floor and studied Weller's face. He looked so peaceful and sweet. He was lying on his back with his arm supporting his head. I listened to the gentle rhythm of his deep breathing and watched his chest move in sync with his breath.

I'm not sure how long I sat on my knees watching him—long enough that I didn't feel my legs anymore—but looking at him cleared my mind. When I saw his face, I didn't think about home anymore. When I looked into his eyes, I wasn't afraid or unsure. From the moment I met him, before I ever knew his name, his presence made me feel whole.

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