Not According to Plan

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Everything about my little adventure was wearing thin on my nerves and it was hard to rest while riding along. I didn't know how the others did it, training or not. The smell of sulfur and heat was in the air when we got to the neighboring volcano. I put my hand over my nose. Never much cared for the smell of sulfur. We had stopped next to a cave entrance.

"Are you awake now, My Lady?" Silver asked.

I looked up at him. His kind eyes smiled down at me. I held him tightly again.

"I'm still tired, but we have to find the cave with the altar in it." I looked around the giant mountain. "Is that it?"

"What are you supposed to do at this altar?" said Lorne. He was forceful with his words and very suspicious.

"Just another ritual," I said as nonchalantly as I could manage. My hands were shaking behind Silver's back. "It'll be over in no time and then everyone can go home knowing that the regeneration has been a success."

Lorne dismounted and walked over to me. "The ritual that will kill you?" He looked me in the eyes with his stern and worried expression.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about," I said dismissively.

He reached up for me and pulled me off the white horse without allowing Silver to lower me in the proper conduct. My feet barely touched the ground as he looked at me. I could feel him in my head but I never allowed the information to reach him. It didn't matter, though. My face was like an open book and Lorne knew how to read.

"I will not let you die, Cricket."

"It's not really up to you, is it?"

Raven chimed in. "You mean you really were planning on killing yourself?"

"It's so that you can live." My eyes never left Lorne's.

"You really think I could just let you die like that?" He shook me with his fury as he spoke. I'm not sure he realized he was doing it. His whole body was shivering with anger. "There IS another way!"

"There is no other way. I have to die so that all of you can be saved."

Aaron's fear spread across his face. "But...but you are only a child." His thoughts were so pure and genuine about my well-being and not something indecent for once. He dismounted as well and stood next to Lorne. "Is your life really so unsatisfactory that you could just give it up? Are there not things that you still wished you could do?"

"Of course there are! Sadly, one of them would prevent the regeneration from happening."

"I will not let you do this." Lorne wrapped his giant arms around me in a tight bear hug.

I kissed him gently on his cheek and hugged him back. "I don't want to, but I have to save all of you. I have to take care of all the people I love."

He nodded in understanding and carried me over to the mountain. Everyone else followed as well. It felt more like a funeral march. I guess, in a way, it was.

It was hot inside but it didn't take very long to find the altar. The space looked exactly like the oracle's altar space only in tones of red and not blue. The same markings were on the stone tablet as well. Lorne reluctantly placed me in front of the altar.

"Well, wish me luck." I smiled but no one smiled back.

"I hope you fail," said Silver.

"Me too," Raven added.

"We all do," said Quinton. "This is not right, Cricket."

"Well, Quinton, you're the scholar. Tell me how else I can save everyone."

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