The Reality Check

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The sun was setting when Weller gently woke me. It seemed like I was always falling asleep, like someone or something was sucking my energy like a big energy-sucking vampire.

"Priestess...Lady Priestess."

"What's that?" I was still half asleep.

"Lady Priestess, did you enjoy your nap?" Weller smiled.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around. There were lights everywhere and lampposts with lit candles inside that framed cobblestone paths. The sound of the horses' footsteps echoed off the walls of a few of the brick buildings.

"Is this Aldavia?" I asked.

"Not quite, Lady Priestess," said Weller. "I slowed our pace so you could sleep. Aldavia is just on the other side of that hill. This is the village of Solmere, just outside the city capital."

A few people stopped and stared at us, or more specifically, me. They whispered to each other and began to point. As we passed through town, I saw a little shop with a dress in the window.

"Weller, stop the horse!" I shouted. "Let me off!"

I was pretty positive that it was a complete breach of protocol and I regretted that I said it the moment it came out of my mouth, but I was far more interested in what I found.

"Lady Priestess," he protested.

I kicked at him and tried to jump off the mare. My movement and sudden change in demeanor frightened her but I didn't care. This may be my way to keep my promise to Ilyana if I could figure out how to buy it. Weller had a firm grip on both me and the horse. I should've known better.

"Now, Jor Lorgan, please. I promised." I looked at him with pleading eyes and watched him cave instantly. I used to think that only worked on Dad.

"Jor Wynewood, if you please."

Lorne dismounted and came to get me. When Lorne's large hands were around my waist, Weller switched his hold putting both hands under my arms. I know it didn't take both of them to lower my small frame. I just assumed it was some sort of stupid protocol or something, though I don't know how he was controlling the horse if he no longer held the reins. It didn't matter. It was only when my feet touched the ground that Weller hesitantly release me into Lorne's care.

My legs nearly buckled under my own weight but Lorne kept me upright. I hadn't even realized my legs had gone numb. Riding side saddle was definitely not my idea of fun. I popped my back and stretched my neck from one side to the other trying to limber up.

Lorne chuckled. "Perhaps we were riding a little too long."

"Nah, you think?" I rolled my shoulders and wiggled my legs a little before walking.

"Stay close to me, Lady Priestess," said Lorne. His eye tracked a few of the gathering onlookers. The crowd was growing.

I plastered my face against the window to look at the dress. It was a beautiful blue dress that seemed to change shades depending on the angle the light hit it. I rushed inside to get a better look. The storekeeper looked at me strangely from behind her counter when I entered.

"May I help you?" she asked tentatively. She looked over at Lorne and then glanced outside at Weller who had gotten off his horse and stood next to the door refusing anyone else entry.

"Yes," I said though I may have been a bit too brazen with her. "What is that dress in the window made out of?"

"You have excellent taste, young lady," she smiled at me.

She came from behind her counter and walked over to the window. I noticed that she didn't lower her head or hunch her shoulders like Ilyana had done. I grabbed a strand of my hair. Still looked red to me. One glance out the window at the gathering onlookers made me a little uneasy. Why wasn't this woman bowing like a few of the people outside?

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