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I found my way home easily enough in the dark. I made my way through the back fence and into the yard before collapsing on the chaise. I looked up at the stars and worried about what was happening in the other world. Strange how when I was there, all I wanted was to know what was happening at home. Now that I was home, I just wanted to make sure everyone was okay in the other world. Serena didn't seem like she wanted anything to do with helping people anymore.

I let out a huge sigh and then heard my family inside. They were cleaning up. I walked back inside to help them out. Might as well get this over with.

"Mom!" I called out. "Mom, I'm back."

"Back from where, dear?" she asked. "Did you take a walk around the block? Honestly, honey, how many times must I ask you not to go for walks after sunset?"

She didn't know.

I walked into the kitchen. It was completely cleaned of the floured mess that it was before I left. She just finished washing dishes and had a tea towel over her shoulder. She turned around and smiled at me.

"Oh my, that's a lovely dress. Did your father give it to you?" she asked.

I looked down at my clothes. They were surprisingly clean but I guess if I was always being bathed and carried they couldn't get that dirty.

"Did you enjoy your birthday party? Saturday, we'll have you a real big one with all of your friends."

All my friends are in another world. "It's still my birthday?"

Time passed differently between the two worlds. That actually made me happy as far as motherly worry was concerned, but sad concerning the other world. How many weeks have gone by in the time it took me to get home from the bridge? 

She laughed. "Yes, dear, what's the matter with you?" She dried her hands and put down the towel before walking over to me. "Are you feeling all right?" She put her hand on my forehead. "You don't have a fever."

My eyes filled with tears and I wrapped my arms around her. I inhaled her motherly scent, a combination of fresh laundry, Palmolive, and Olay. She felt so soft and so familiar. I started to cry.

"Cricket, honey, what's wrong?" She tried to look at my face, but I wouldn't let her. I just wanted to hold her, to be held by her.

"I missed you, Mom."

"I'm right here, baby, what's wrong?"

I tried to gain some kind of control, but it was very hard. I didn't realize I missed her so much. Deshawn walked in and looked at me with a very serious expression. He knew.

Mom reached down and looked at my necklace. Her face turned pale. "Did your father give this to you?"

I nodded.

"I don't want you to wear it," she said trying to take it off.

"It's too late for that," said Deshawn. "She's already been."

"How is it that you came back, then?" Mom pulled me back and looked into my eyes. She ran her hand through my hair and over my face before pulling me back into her chest.

"Someone sent me back."

Dad barged into the kitchen and looked at me.

"We need to talk," I said to him. The force of my words surprised me.

The four of us sat at the kitchen table. Mom kept her arms around me the entire time as if trying to protect me from what I'd already gone through. Everyone was unhappy.

"Why didn't you tell me, Dad?"

"I wanted to."

"But you didn't!" I hit the table with my hand.

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