Meeting Royalty

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We rode into the city where we were met with a big fanfare. Raven rode next to Lorne and they talked about past events. We may have been on the road for maybe an hour or so, or less. I needed a watch. Aldavia was just over the hill down in what looked like a giant hole. What do they call these, a caldera? A giant meteor crater hole, I don't know. I couldn't see Aldavia from that little city because of the hill, but it was huge.

There were flowers everywhere and crowds of cheering people. It was like a parade. I did my best beauty queen wave at them. I felt stupid doing it but I was pretty sure flailing my arm around would've been inappropriate for this type of situation.

I could smell freshly baked bread as we rode down the street and looked around to find the source of the enticing smell. Fresh, warm bread with melty butter is quite possibly the best food ever created.

My eyes found a bakery behind the crowd but there was a man standing in the ally next to it. I couldn't make out his face too well, but I did notice he had long, silvery white hair. It wasn't an old person's dull silver. It sort of reminded me of Final Fantasy's badass Sephiroth. There was a real shimmer to the color too like thousands of thin strands of silver necklaces only not jewelry, or the sun sparkling in a rippling brook. It was an odd color for a person to have.

I watched him intently. I could see his eyes briefly when he shifted. He held his arms crossed in front of his thin frame and he had a sword at his side.

"Something troubles you, Lady Priestess?" Weller broke me away from the stranger.

"What? No, I mean, well a strange-looking person over there by that bakery." I looked again and he was gone. "At least there was a person over there."

"What did this person look like?" asked Raven.

"Lean with shimmering silver-looking hair."

"Did you say silver?" Lorne asked.

Every muscle in Weller's body suddenly tensed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"We should quicken our pace," said Weller.

"What's this all about?" I asked watching his eyes dart back and forth as the horses increased speed.

"A person with silver hair can only be one person," said Lorne.


They refused to answer me so, rather than sounding like an owl, I just went with it. It must mean danger if they wanted to get into the safety of the castle walls. Even then they remained on high alert.

Lorne called to Raven. "Run ahead and make sure His Majesty is aware the priestess has arrived."

She gave him a quick nod and ran off.

We dismounted the same as before. Weller really seemed to have a problem letting go of me. I wondered if he was even okay with allowing Lorne to take over so he could sleep.

When Weller got himself down, he was immediately at my side. "This way, Lady Priestess." He motioned the direction with his hand and guided me with his other arm on my back. Lorne stood on guard behind us.

I looked around the grand hallway. Everything was made of stone just like in the hideout but with differences. Instead of the floor being made of many large stone pieces, there were many small and shiny light to dark blue pieces all placed meticulously to form a smooth path that flowed like a river. It must've taken them a very long time. I walked the stone path that led us between rows of large columns that looked like they came out of a movie about Greek mythology.

At the end of the hallway was a big door made of dark wood and black metal. It was open and there was a guard on either side of it. They stood at attention with their lances at their sides. I walked through trying not to stare at them. I did notice that one of them had a scar on his cheek. His eyes followed me. It kinda creeped me out.

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