More Surprises

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The lady from the cave came to talk to me. I didn't see her, but I knew her voice.

"Things are starting to get interesting, are they not?"

"I guess. Who are you? Are you Yasmine?"

She giggled. "You think I will answer your questions? Soon you will see everything I wanted you to warn you about."

"You were trying to warn me?"

"In a sense."

I heard the wolf growling again.

"You should wake up now," she continued. "They are all very worried."

"Wait! What about my family? Can I ever get back to my family?"

I opened my eyes pulling away from the dream. I was almost certain that I was actually talking with that woman from the cave, but what was she trying to warn me about?

I remembered the dream I had when I was talking to Dad. My heart felt so heavy I thought I would fall through the cushy bed I was on. I missed Dad so much. Then it hit me. Dad knew. He had to have known. He gave me the pendant that the others said was the symbol for The Priestess of the Blood and said I may go on an adventure. But why didn't he warn me about it sooner?

I looked around the strange new room. This room was much bigger than the one in the fishing village as was the bed, which, I guess would make sense being in a castle. I could hold my arms out straight on the bed and still not reach either side. The room was in similar shades of blue as the audience hall where I met Whit. There were large windows dressed with blue curtains with gold embroidery. There was a canopy over my head with the same gold patterns similar to my pendant with a golden paw print right in the middle.

Both Lorne and Silver were standing watch over me on either side of the bed. I didn't think it was safe, I mean Weller and Lorne led me to believe Breen was the enemy. Silver noticed me first.

"Are you all right, Lady Priestess?" His voice was so gentle it shocked me. It was nowhere close to being as deep as his brother's, but so sweet I almost wanted to cry.

There was obviously some power thing going on that I wasn't aware of. Passing out the first time was understandable due to the stressful circumstances of being in a new world and almost getting killed, but passing out again right after two more men proposed their fealty to me was too much of a coincidence.

"Cricket!" Lorne exclaimed. "I was so worried." He placed a gentle hand on my head.

"Fool," Silver snapped. "Do not be so informal with the priestess!"

"It's all right, Silver. I prefer it this way."

I immediately clasped my mouth at the insult. I had almost forgotten that they don't use first names here unless they're on a more intimate level. I closed my eyes tightly at the situation with Whit earlier. I guess he intended for us to be more than colleagues or friends when he insisted I not only call him by his name, but a shortened version of it. How embarrassing!

"My apologies, Jor Breen. I seemed to have momentarily forgotten where I was."

Silver looked so stunned. I think I saw him blush.

"N-no need for apologies, Lady Priestess. I took no offense." He barely got the words out.

"How does this work anyway? I mean you and your brother have the same name of Breen."

Silver smiled. It suited him. "I am the younger of the two and should be addressed as second."

"Second Jor Breen?"

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