◾ French Barbies ◾

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"Pumpkin... you made it." Mr. Carter chimes happily and instantly pulls me in a warm hug. I love this old man. Unlike my father, he doesn't hide his affection. He's big on giving warm hugs. 

"I had to. I mean.. it was Paris after all. I wouldn't miss it for the world." I joke and pull back. 

"Nor should you." We both laugh at that. 

"Where's Lily?" I ask looking around.

"Oh... she's probably with the rest of the ladies in the lounge. Chase will take you." Mr. Carter nod towards him as he enters through the hall. He's wearing dark blue jeans with a turtle neck knitted sweater, and white sneakers. Paris really suits him. 

"Did I hear my name?" he asks while wrapping his arm around my waist. Mr. Carter notices it with a smirk and I slap it away, giving his dad a smug smile. Chase pouts at me mockingly. If his dad wasn't here, I probably world have thought it was cute. But with Mr. Carter's gleaming eyes watching us, I can only feel embarrassed. Red washes over my feature and I look away towards the wedding preps.

"Yeah. Why don't you go show Ana her room and then take her to meet Lily." His dad says, still smirking. 

"Sure. Lets go, sweetheart." My eyes widen at the nickname and how carelessly he said it in front of his dad. But my heart does something completely opposite. Its steady rhythm, skips a beat. As I turn towards the elevator, glaring at him, a deep chuckle echoes behind me. Another wave of blush crashed onto my cheeks, knowing it's his dad.

      "Don't call me names in front of your parents. Its embarrassing." I scold once we are at a safe distance from his dad. 

"Don't worry about that. They actually don't mind." Chase smirks and slings an arm around my shoulder. This time I let his scented heat engulf me. I like the way he's always so warm and bathed in a cologne I've grown to like so much that it has started intoxicating me.

When we get to the elevator, we are the first ones, but before it comes to the ground floor a lot of people crowd behind us. They are probably the wedding designers. Everyone is talking amongst themselves, what I'm guessing is, about the flower arrangement. I understand a little bit of French. 

The elevator dings and the doors slide open. Chase and I walk in, only to get pushed into a corner. "Ouch. You stepped on my foot jerk." I scold and smack his shoulder. 

"Sorry." He says. I'm literally squashed into a corner and Chase is standing in front of me. His broad back restricting my vision. Suddenly he turns around to face me. 

"What?" I ask when he just stares at me with a smirk. His eyes scanning my face, making me feel conscious. We come to another stop and more people enter the lift casing his entire body to squash into mine. The smirk only widens when the contact makes me suck in a hitched breath.

"I like you better with glasses." This time his face is so close to me that I can feel his minty breath fans my lips. A shiver cascades my spine and I'm momentarily paralyzed. Chase holds my gaze for a moment before his playful glittering eyes dart back to my mouth and then back to my eyes. 

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