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I woke up to someone touching my face , then I heard giggling. I opened my eyes instantly to see my niece looking at me.

Angel : Aliya, you're here

Aliya: Yep Grandpa brought us

At that I sat up , just then Jake walked into the room

Aliya: Uncle Jake , aunty Ari is awake

Jake : I see

He came and sat next to me

Angel : What time is it

Jake: It's nine in the morning

Angel: Why didn't you wake me up , what's going on outside

Jake : you needed to rest , your dad is here and  the girls are preparing a baby shower for some reason they wanted to ,I tried to stop them but Amara looked at me like she would kill me so I left them to it.

Angel : Okay I'll grab a shower and join you outside

He sat looking at me

Jake : What don't I get a kiss

I smiled at him , you would love but there are little eyes on us. He turned around to see Aliya standing by the door.

Aliya : Uncle Jake come see my doll

Jake : I don't think I'll get used to being called Uncle

Angel : Uncle and Dad or daddy

I said ,he stopped and looked at me then smiled.

I grabbed a quick shower and found half of them in the living room. My dad came over and hugged me.

Senator: how are you doing , how are the babies

Angel : I'm okay , they're okay. Jake and the girls have been taking good care of me

Senator: I know , that's the only reason you're here.

We sat around talking, I tried going into the kitchen and the backyard to see what they were up to but I got sent out.  I was in my eighth month , Dr Hendricks said everything was okay but I needed to stay off my feet. I was laying in bed when Jake came in.

Jake : you okay love

Angel : I'm okay, just a bit tired. My feet are starting to swell again.

Jake : Let me see

He just sat with me and massaged my feet

Jake : I feel you staring at me love

Angel : Just looking at you, I'm really really really lucky to have you in my life and  I'm happy it's you.

He came and sat next to me

Jake : I'm the lucky one for having you in my life, somehow I'm happy you forced me to talk , that you didn't back off because I never really gave you any answers

Angel : That used to get me so mad ,you would only answer the questions you want to then go offline

Jake : I know ,but you still didn't give up. When I had to go into hiding what you and Lilly did ,no one ever cared about me to that extent.  Then when I Heard your voice and I saw you ,I knew in my heart I would do anything to have you with me. Even after I disappeared you waited on me , you never gave up. You Did everything you could to find me.

Angel : I'll always find you Jake

Jake : I know you will ,And now we're going to have our own family. It's all thanks to Hannah ,if she hadn't gotten this insane,you would have never found your sister, Never knew what your mother was capable of doing, you wouldn't have found out that your father truly loves you and I wouldn't have met my father and have a life. I love you Aria Angel Nakamara and I always will , I will always protect you and when they get here that won't change.

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