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“ Now everyone is to remain quiet and speak only when you're spoken to ”

Angel : Mrs Nakamara who is Matthew Davids?

Mrs Nakamara: I don't know

Angel : Let me remind you , he's your high school boyfriend, you're lover ,the man you're having an affair with.

Mrs Nakamara: This is Insane , Jason how can you allow her to speak to me like that.

Angel : Is it ? . Let's start at the beginning. You and your boyfriend made a plan . You would start a relationship with Jason Nakamara ,marry him and then steal his money.

Mrs Nakamara: that's it I'm leaving

She stood up ,

Angel : sit down , now you would have divorced Mr Nakamara ,but you got pregnant with Amara and Aria. So you decided to use them to complete your plan. Amara came to you and told you shebwas pregnant didn't she?

She wasn't answering

Angel : You don't need to answer, I'll continue. You wanted to use Amara for your own gain ,but after a while she didn't want to . She chose love ,she wanted a family, a simple life away from the public and you saw she meant it. So when she came to you and confided in you about her pregnancy you told her it was okay. After she  left your  room  you called Mathew. And that's where the plan started.

Mrs Nakamara: That is not true. I want a lawyer .

Mr Nakamara: I won't be calling or paying for  any lawyer, if you haven't done anything Wrong then you don't need a lawyer.

Angel : Matthew suggested that you get rid of Amara as it is , she was no longer useful to your plan now that she was saw the opportunity the night they Sneaked out.  You heard them so you called your lover and told them.  You even described what Amara was wearing. Your lover paid a drug addict to crash into them. After it was done he called you and informed you that's how you knew and that's when you informed your husband and left for the hospital.

Mr Nakamara: Claire, is this true?

Mrs Nakamara: of course it isn't

Angel : oh it is ,and here's the most disgusting part. Amara was alive when she was  rushed into the hospital and she died during surgery or that's what everyone thinks but ,you killed her,you buried her alive your own daughter. Amara didn't die ,her heart had stopped for five minutes and the doctor pronounced her dead. After everyone left you went into the room . That's when you noticed her heart was beating. At the same time doctor Gomes came in. You paid him four million dollars to say she was dead.  He injected her with Adenocor making everyone think she was dead . You told him not to mention the pregnancy to anyone, not even the senator.


Mrs Nakamara: I did not

Angel : Yes you did. Do you know who informed me Daniel ? He had heard of the Accident and rushed to the hospital and learned she died in surgery. He was outside the surgery room when he heard your conversation with Dr Gomes.

I saw the others looking at her ,she was fidgeting under the stares she was receiving.

Angel : Dad ,sorry Director Stevens can you please escort Dr Gomes in

Director Stevens: sure

After a few minutes the doctor walked in

Angel : Dr Gomes please have a seat ,I was just explaining to Mrs Nakamara the crimes you've both committed.

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