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I really thought she was going to kill me ,but when Jake told her to choose I knew deep down he cared for me ,he felt something for me.  After she left Lilly grabbed the gun from me . I would have walked out and killed her.

I decided to grab Jessy. How the hell they found them was beyond me. I made sure to cover the trap door properly. I wasn't going to Jail that much I knew. Persuading Officer James was easy , I almost broke my Damn hand coming out that window. 

I couldn't go back home or to my parents house. Jake told me a lot of things, even how to hide so I'll take his advice. I was in an Alleyway looking at the Aurora when she walked out ,she was drunk. I wanted her but Someone was always with her. Hmm seems like they had an argument.

I followed them ,when I saw her getting onto the Jet without Jake , I knew I was on the right path. She left him , time to set my plan into motion. Without her ,they won't know where to start or what to  do. I'll pick them off one at a time ,but first I needed somewhere to keep them ,and I think I know the perfect place.


When I got to the Island it was almost sunrise,I hadn't slept ,all I did was cry. Mark made sure everything was okay and then left ,I was alone for the first time in years, completely alone. I went up to the room we had shared when we were here . One of his hoodies was on the bed, I had forgotten it , I held onto it and cried. I missed him,my head and heart hurt, because I don't know if I could forgive him.


The sun came up and I was still sitting there ,I pulled out my phone and texted her.

“ I'm sorry I hurt you ,I love you I always will. I miss you,I hope you're okay.  I'm sorry”

I went and took a shower , I didn't want to be here so I'd go to work. I grabbed my phone ,bags  and laptops. She didn't reply. I locked the doors and left. I called Lilly to let her know where I was going and drove the hours. Around noon I texted her again.

“I love you and I miss you. I'm heading to work,I hope you had something to eat. I'm sorry ”

She didn't reply, I continued driving. I got to the headquarters at four in the morning,I just headed inside and went to my office.  I turned on my laptop and connected to her phone. I used an earpiece, I didn't want anyone knowing what I was listening to.

The minute it connected ,I heard her crying. My heart was breaking,I need to make this right. The director walked in
“ Jake what are you doing here at this hour?” , “ working ”,
“ Yes  but didn't you have this week off,to spend time with your wife ?” , “ She left me,I said something to her and she left, I need to work ” .

“ I see , Okay ”. After he left I sat there listening to her. How do I fix this, How.  I heard a phone ringing. So I connected it ,her sister was calling.

Amara : Aria what happened

Angel :  I don't know anymore

Amara : He called dad and told Dad, Dad told him to give you some time. Don't you love him?

I thought my heart stopped beating , because she didn't answer, didn't she  love me anymore ?.

Angel : Of course I love him , I love him more than anything in this world,but what he said to me. If I didn't make that choice we wouldn't have found Jessy or Richy. He made me let her go ,and Jessy got hurt . Who's next? Me. I'm the one she wants to get rid of and she'll hurt all of them.

Amara : I know you're hurt but he was protecting you. I'm your sister, I know how angry and to what lengths you can go Aira I know you would have hurt that girl. I know you would have ,and then what you'll go to Jail maybe he was trying to avoid that. He wouldn't hurt you.

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