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Okay I know she has a nasty temper but she meant what she just said about murdering Hannah. I saw it in her eyes. she was angry I looked at Hannah " get out , you heard my wife, leave".

I didn't like the look on Hannah's face " one way or the other I will have you Jake". after that she walked out I looked at the angel . " what's going on in your head talk to me". " I just.. I don't know I don't feel like myself anymore". After saying that she walked into the house . I found her standing in the living room looking at our pictures. I walked up to her and stood behind her .

"Talk to me love aren't you happy with me ? do you want me to leave ? tell me what it is that I have to do?". " Of course I'm happy , I know I'm happy but I don't feel happy . I have my sister back , my dad doesn't hate me I have you I have friends and still I feel I'm missing something ". I wrapped my arms around her " listen to me and listen to me very carefully Aria Nakamara . I love you and nothing and no one in the world will ever change that and I'm not leaving you not now not ever okay ".

" I'm sorry, yes we lost our first child but it's not your fault and it's not mine maybe this was supposed to happen" "How can you say that how can you say this was supposed to happen?".

I spun her around to face me, she wouldn't look at me , she had her head down, I raised her face up towards mine " Everything that happens happens for a reason, Hannah sent your number by mistake and you gained friends from that . I found the love of my life. I found someone that I could trust and always depend on. You found out exactly what was happening in your home , you found out that your father doesn't hate you but he loves you. You found your sister ."

" All of that happened because she sent the wrong number , now imagine if you had never replied to Thomas if you had just ignored Thomas's message, if you never helped them to find Hannah, if you would have ignored me where would you be right now?"

" I would still be in Texas hiding, living a normal life, still thinking my sister was dead and my father blamed me ". " Exactly do you see how much your life has changed all because of one wrong message it's changed my life completely , where I was always hiding always on the move never trusting anyone never letting anyone in, you changed all of that besides as long as I have you with me I don't need anything else and you will always have me no matter what okay ". " I love you Jake ", "I love you too angel"

" Why don't you go grab a shower and I'll order food and we can watch a movie , how does that sound ?". " That sounds perfect ".
" hmm can I join you for a shower?"
" Nope I don't think so , I know what you're up to ".
" Fine ".

I watched her as she walked into the room. I only hoped she got over this, whatever this was soon. I grabbed my phone to order but changed my mind . I walked into the room , I found her getting out of the shower. " How about we go out to dinner tonight, me and you , Dinner and dancing. What do you say love?".
" Yes ", She was smiling and that was all that mattered.

I went and grabbed a quick shower , when I walked back to out room ,I stopped short
" Where did you get that?", " I bought it a long time ago but I never wore it ,why?".

I started laughing " Because you're not wearing it". She was absolutely insane if she thought she was wearing that shit. I don't know what I was looking at , I was so tempted to say Fuck it and stay here with her.
" Jake I'm wearing it " , " Love that shit is... ,I can see... it barley has any material. Half the back is missing and the front, I don't want anyone seeing you like that , they are going to be staring at you ".

The material was some kind of glittered see through shit ,that hugged her body and made it look like she wasn't Wearing anything, " Jake " , Shit I know that tone " Fine, But the minute I see anyone staring at you, you're wearing my Jacket " , " Okay love ,hurry up ". I got dressed and we left. We found and nice restaurant right in Ashview Hills.


I was surprised by his decision to go out , but decided we needed it. Dinner was eventful , he made me laugh which changed my mood. When he asked me to dance that changed my entire night. " I didn't know you could dance " I said to him as he twirled me around and pulled in me closer to him " I can do a lot of things love , I won't tell you, I'll just keep surprising you ".

" Well I look forward to the surprises " , " How about we head home ,or do you want to go take a walk?" , " Let's go home " , " Good choice, because this dress is messing with me , I want you out of it ". I couldn't help it , I stared laughing.

After we paid and left,he held my my hand the entire drive home. When we drove into the garage,the headlights passed over the door and it caught my attention. " Jake Did you lock the door ,of the garage that leads into the house?" , " Yes ,what happened?" , " The doors open ". He switched off the engine and pulled his backpack from the back seat. " Wait here and lock the doors " , " Wait ,what are you doing?" , " I'm just going to make a walk through make sure no one's inside ".

He pulled the gun out from his bag and opened the car door
" Lock the doors love ". I did what he told me to do. He pushed the door open and went into the house, Everything was quiet. I was nervous as hell, my anxiety was getting the best of me.

A few seconds later ,the lights in the house were turned on ,I saw him walk out, I opened the car door and got out . " What happened?" ,
" umm , you probably shouldn't come in here". What was he talking about. I walked over to where he was and walked past him into the house. The kitchen looked normal ,it wasn't until I walked into the living room that I stopped short.

All our pictures , they were broken, I kneeled down and picked one up , my face was burnt out of the photo . Another one my face was crossed out. The huge picture I had of me and the others at the Aurora was slashed. I heard him behind me .

" I'm calling the police and the others ". " there's only one person that would do This and it's Hannah ". I stood up and looked at him " You know she did this right?", " I know love, we'll let the police handle it ". " No I'll handle it myself "

Hannah went too far now , she came into my home ,she was trying to ruin my home and I wasn't about to let that happen.


When I walked into the living room and saw the pictures, I already knew it was Hannah , without a doubt. But how did she get in?. the police were here we told them everything , they said they would get back to us.

She was sitting in the living room " Angel are you okay?"
" I'm okay ,how did she get in ? There's no forced entry , I checked so how?" , " I don't know". " where are your house keys?" , " I had given them to Lilly ,to check up on the house while I was away . Lilly wouldn't do that Angel " ,

" I'm not saying she did ,I know she wouldn't ,but Hannah had a way in ". " Wait, I'll call her ". I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled Lilly's number.

She didn't answer , I looked at Angel " That's strange " ,
" What ?" , " She didn't answer, I'll try again ". I dialled her number again and put it on speaker

" Jake " , " Hello Lilly, I just wanted to ask you,. If you still have the keys to our house?" ,
" Jake I don't know anymore, we were out ,we went to watch a movie ,I came back home fifteen minutes ago and found my entire apartment trashed, So did Jessy " , " Are you and Jessica okay?" .
" Yes we're Okay,Alan is here . Wait I'll go check if the keys are still in the drawer ".

I could hear in the background
" Jake it's gone , What's going on ?" , " Angel and I went to dinner and when we returned home,we found all our pictures destroyed , especially Angel's pictures ". '' Oh god Jake ,it can only be Hannah , She broke into mine and Jessy's place looking for the Key's. I'm telling Alan it's Hannah,it has to be her. How is Angel ?" ,

" I'm okay Lilly, I suggest you all change your locks" , " I will , I'll come by tomorrow okay" , " Okay ".

I ended the call and looked at her " Wanna spend the night somewhere else love?" , " Yes because I have no idea what she did , besides I'll check the camera footage in the morning " , " okay go pack something and we'll spend the night at a hotel ". Hannah was going insane now ,she was crossing the line and I'm afraid Angel was going to act on her threat and seriously hurt her.

DUSKWOOD FINALE TOGETHER AT LASTHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin