"Are you done with your childish bickering? Or are we going to finish this once and for all?" He sounded absolutely terrible. His once soothingly voice now cracked into a voice that echoed with other voices mixed.

Jinhua unsheathed her sword from her sash and whipped it out to her side.

Wukong held out his hand and watched as his staff came flying towards him and armed him ready for battle.

Macaque stood on the other side of Jinhua with his summoned spike ended staff at hand and in stance.

"You guys wouldn't go into battle without us, right?"

There appeared the Monk and his other apprentices.


Master Tang??"

Jinhua smirked over her shoulder, "I see you've dealt with the little pawns already."

The monk nodded with a smile of his own, "This battle may decide the fate of the world if we don't stop him here and now."

"Now that we have Master here, wouldn't it be easier to seal the demonic god away than have a full on battle?" Zhu Baije stated with crossed arms.


Everyone turned to Jinhua who kept her gaze firmly on the Demon Fox King.

"No..?" Ao Ji questioned with a raised brow.

Jinhua sighed and turned to the group, "I'm sorry, but this battle is between me and him. I ask that you Tang Sanzuang don't interfere."

Tang looked at her firm expression and her grip on her sword. With a nod of confirmation, he smiled thoughtfully, "Very well. I will only provide protection to us and nothing else."

Zhu Baije looked on confused, "Is it for Revenge or something? You got a grudge?"

Wukong and Macaque instantly whipped their heads towards the demoness at the statement.

The Demon Fox King's words echoed in they're minds as they were reminded what he put her through.

"No." Jinhua looked back to the battle field with a determined look. Her demon features sprouting to life as her two tails lashed.

"It's a promise." Her eyes narrowed into slits, "That I made to him to kill him by my hands."

Wukong and Macaque came up to her side and placed a hand on her shoulders. Both coming up to one conclusion.

"Then met us fight alongside you." Wukong grinned confidently.

Jinhua smiled softly at his statement, "But what about your group? Your friends."

Macaque sighed and flicked her forehead with a playful scolding face, "And your not? Just think of us fighting with you because we both need a good smack to that bastard. And our group? They're gonna be fine on they're own." He waved them off dismissively.

Jinhua raised a brow at his unconcern for them but shrugged it off and turned back to the battle at hand, "Very well. But that finishing kill is mine. Understand boys?" She playfully glanced at them, twirling her sword into a battle stance.



With that they jumped off the hill and started scaling it with their swords out and ready for any attack.

"Woo hoo!" Zhu Baije leaped after them with his rake, cackling like a mad man.

"Wait we're jumping!?" Tang yelled but he was picked up by Ao Ji in his dragon form as they shot up into the sky following after them.

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