Chapter 42

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It's Friday night, and Cheryl is in the bathroom dabbing some lip gloss on in the mirror when she hears a sharp hammering on the door. Frowning, she pops her head out of the bathroom. 'Kimba, did you buzz someone in?' she calls before returning to the mirror.

There is a pause of silence, then more knocking.

'Kimberley, where are you?' Cheryl sighs, annoyed as she strides to the door. 'Hello, who's there?'

She hears a tiny laugh on the other side of the door. 'It's me babe.'

'Kimberley what're you doing out there?'

'I'm picking you up for our date.'

'Eh? But you live here. And I'm not ready yet.'

'Cheryl, don't spoil it at least pretend to play along!'

Cheryl opens the door and her mouth drops open. I'm wearing a short purple dress with matching heels. I smile as Cheryl's eyes rove up and down. 'Wow.' She croaks. She clears her throat and steps back a bit to let me in. 'Wow. You look... amazing.'

'Thanks. You look beautiful.' I lick my lips, taking in Cheryl's silver knee-length dress, which makes her boobs look fantastic. 'I got you these.' I wink, revealing the small bunch of tulips I had behind my back.

'Aaawh, babe they're beautiful! When did you get these!'

'Just now, round the corner.' I bite my lip guiltily; she knows there's only a couple of corner shops nearby. But she leans in and kisses me softly. 'Thank you. I love them.'

'Good... anyway hurry up and finish getting ready, we have to leave soon.' I grab my phone off the table, checking the time.

'How're we getting there?' Cheryl calls from the bedroom, grabbing her shoes and coming back. 'You'll see.'

'Are you gonna be this mysterious all night?'

'You'll have to wait and see.'

Cheryl laughs, shaking her head. 'Alright Mystic Kimba, let's go.'

Cheryl gasps out loud when she sees the horse and carriage parked outside the flat. 'Oh. My. God. Is that...? What the hell is that?!'

'It's a submarine(!) What does it look like?!'

'Where did you get that, how did you get that?!'

'Never you mind, now d'you want to get in or d'you want to walk there?'

'Kimba...' Cheryl grins at me. 'This is amazing!'

'Aah, glad you think so.'

'What if we're seen though?'

'Don't worry, Charlie knows where he's going, the horses are fast, and if anyone does recognise you and follow us, we're getting a car back so we'll be safe.'

'You've thought of everything haven't you?' Cheryl laughs as I help her in.

'Yes.' I smirk. I slide in next to her and take her hand. 'Just sit back and enjoy the ride.'

'So cheesy, Kimba...'


'More wine?'

Cheryl has only just emptied her glass and laughs. 'You tryin' to get me drunk?'

'I would never!'

'Yeah go on fill us up.'

'I knew it. Right, I've got something to tell you.'


'D'you know the other day when you did a few hours in the studio?'


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