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I sat on the makeshift bed I had made for myself. I had been hiding in Hexside for who knows how long now. It was the only place I could think to hide. I could never go back to the castle, the occupants of The Owl House probably don't want me around, and I had left my scroll in the castle. I had gotten ride of my old clothing and found what I could to replace it. Despite everything having a cape helped me feel secure, but the idea of even looking at the seal felt like a worse idea then having an episode while inside the castle.

Plus I already had an episode as soon as we got back as everything that had happened came crushing down on me. I remember the crushing feeling of not being able to breath as long as that cape was still on me. So I threw it onto the ground and ran as fast as I could, like I could outrun memories. I wish it was that easy. I knew now I was nothing but a copy of someone else, a grimwalker. I was created artificially by the remains of the last grimwalker to serve a purpose.

This meant I was lesser than the original. I wasn't the first and probably wouldn't have been the last. However I had the same purpose as all the others, to serve Emperor Belo. When the others betrayed him and fought back, they were disposed of and their remains were used to make the next one. Belos even said I looked the most like the original.

I was basically an easily disposable machine. A machine meant to do one thing. A machine that when it becomes faulty and no longer does that one thing, gets destroyed to make a new and better machine. Eventually making one that's no longer faulty, meaning I'm a faulty one. My only purpose anymore is to die in order to contribute in making one that's no longer faulty.

I hated who and what I was. If I'm no longer going to do the one thing I was made to do, why should I exist anymore? More than likely people would be creeped out and disgusted by what I really am anyway. I mean even the names creepy, and if you could look past it the way I was created is horrible. Even if people didn't immediately hate me once they learned the truth they wouldn't want to be around a faulty one like me. Even if they did care about me they would consider me more disposable than others. I'm a copy with no family or friends, much easier for me to do the life threatening things. I wasn't even lovable by the person who told me they're my family, who raised me. If I'm even unlovable to the person who raised me, why would anyone love me?

I couldn't trust anyone either. The one person that I trusted, that I gave my full servitude and fully believed in, was lying to me from the start! I didn't even know how much of my memories were fake or not! The only way to know is if I shared them with someone, and since most of my life was behind closed doors who knows what was fact and fiction! Maybe my memory of meeting Edric was fake and that's why he doesn't seem to remember.

Then there was the fact the I was forgetting someone, a 'she'. And she was apparently someone who was extremely important to me as well, if how they talked about our relationship was anything to go off of at least. It also explained the feeling that I had ever since taking them that I had been forgetting something important. It didn't help I was probably erased from her memory as well.  Meaning I would never know who this person was or why they were so important. I cursed myself for mindlessly drinking them all.

I could barely sleep either. Due to how I was raised it was drilled into my head to always wake up at the same time each morning, meaning I always woke up with the sun. It didn't help I was plagued with nightmares every night, so when I did sleep it wasn't for long.

I barely ate either. I could only go out and find food at night(mostly HexMix), and since I didn't have to train or fight or pretend I wasn't underweight when I was I went from 5 meals a week to nothing unless Flapjack basically forced me to eat with his neverending nagging. I only ate so I would have the energy to be able to fight back should something happen.

Flapjack had followed me when I ran out of The Owl House. He had stuck with me and helped me find shelter, even

Honestly though I probably would've ended it by now if not for Flapjack. He didn't know about the real reason I wore gloves but that was about it. I had vented everything to him, and could fully understand him by now. He had already known about my eating habits after less than a day of living with me, and even then was always trying to push me to eat. Even when I refuse or just ignored him he still stook by me.

Honestly he's probably the only living being who could and would ever care about me. So I guess it's only possible for my palismen to love me, huh? He even tried telling me others would still want me or that I wasn't disposable. But I just told him he only said that because he cared about me, even if others never would. He knows how stubborn I am so he let it be, though he's quite stubborn as well so I know he won't leave it be for long.

I don't know if the rest of my life is going to be like this. if anyone finds me they'll probably just hand me back to Belos and I'll be as good as dead. I don't know what to do now, for the time being though I'll stay hidden and hope things will change.

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