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I don't know what to think. I told him I would be busy, I told him there was an absolutely zero chance of us seeing each other in person until Grom next year, I had even said I knew about his prankster attitude and didn't want it rubbing off on me. Yet he still persisted. He didn't even know what I looked like! Eventually I only agreed to continue talking to him to make him shut up. However........ I didn't block his number, I'm still trying to figure out why.

What I don't get at all is why I continued calling him. Twice a week at that! I even showed him my face(though he didn't recognize me). All we did was talk, not even about anything important! It's like he was a drug. Something I knew was bad for me but I couldn't stay away from. He's the only person to ever talk to me like I'm normal. The only one to be interested in knowing Hunter, though that was probably only because he didn't know I was The Golden Guard yet. That made me want to hide who I really was all the more.

Despite myself I enjoyed our conversations. We would talk for hours at a time. He complained about how both of his sisters had obvious crushes on different girls yet still weren't with them, he openly joked about being a disappointment to his parents, he even bragged about multiple different pranks he had done! Even including the one that caused our first meeting. In turn I would talk about my life, however in a way that made it seem like I was just a kid who was raised by his uncle and it always helping him.

Something always felt off though. He didn't recognize me despite multiple things about me being the same even after 3 years. I mean, how many people can you meet who in 3 years that are named Hunter, are blond with a strand always out of line, have an unique(but ugly) eye color, have bags under their eyes, and a huge scar on there face? Maybe it was just how I was raised but that felt awfully suspicious. Not only that but he seemed to have no recollection of meeting anyone during that prank. If he did he would have said it, at least I think. Honestly though that was probably just my paranoia talking.

Then Lilith's betrayal happened. I had to work four times as hard just to keep the Coven in line. My free time was so small now I could barely call Edric for 15 minutes once a week. However this was relatively small considering that now was the second time my dream had come true. I had always loved the idea of being the head of the coven, even before I knew of The Golden Guards existence. So I was willing to risk my mental and physical health for it.

By the time a couple of weeks passed things had cooled off. I could now afford an hour talking to Edric each week. I had twice as many responsibilities now, and never did any undercover field missions anymore. However I had always been good at working so I was actually thriving with having more work. I was working so much by now I couldn't even think for 5 seconds without having to do something else, which I assumed was a good thing.

Eventually we ran out of Palismen for my uncle to keep his curse under control. For so long I had been trying to find some way to cure him with my wild magic research, however he turned me down at every offer. He had a good reason for it though! Our family was dead because of wild magic he had every right to be reluctant!

He sent me on a mission to collect the palismen that were brought for the Hexside students and I was more than happy to get them for him. It would be a great chance to prove my worth to him. I had to continuously prove my worth. And the palismen would help. I had no qualms with doing it either. Why should I care about something made of wild magic? At least that's what I thought....

In the end I ended up not only coming back empty-handed after Kikimora tried to kill me, but I did it on purpose. I had willingly not only told the human my name, but let her take the palismen. Yet my uncle had let me off with a warning instead of punishment. Let's just say my hands still hurt underneath my gloves. The bird palismen that had been with the human came to me as well and I don't know why. Didn't it know I would just give it up to the Emperor? Even if that's not what happened......

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