Her Curse

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My dream was to be The Golden Guard. That meant working even harder than before. I even had to eat three times a week instead of two(which disgusted me) just to keep up.

A couple weeks into this my uncle had asked for my presence and I was getting ready. I was looking at myself in the mirror. I hated how I looked, but I needed to make sure I was presentable for my uncle. I had bags under my eyes, they weren't that bad though. I was had lost a lot of weight, but it wasn't noticable while I was in uniform. My newest scar was very obvious on my face, a reminder I wasn't who I should be. Then there was my eyes, which I though were ugly. They were a stupid mix of pink and purple, easily could be assumed to be red from a distance. Then there was my blond hair. It was one of the things I had in common with my Uncle, but at the same time is was a different color. With one strand always out of place, no matter how hard I tried! I sighed and put my mask on walking to the throne room. I opened the doors and walked in seeing him sitting on his throne.

"Hunter, there you are. I've brought you here for one major reason." He told me.

I nodded, waiting for instructions.

"Remember the rumors that a monster had been rampaging through the south of the Boiling Isles?" His tone inviting.

"Yes, you told me about it while I was still in hiding. You were never able to find any leads though." I answered.

"We were able to finally find it, however it wasn't what we thought. Turns out it was a cursed little girl."


"Yes, and she put up quite a fight. she killed almost everyone I had sent for her, only one survived and managed to sedate her."

"Seriously!? Where is she now?"

"She's being held in the maximum security cells. We give her food twice a day, and the cell has a built in bathroom. We've been keeping a close eye on her. We were able to learn certain things about her quite easily."

"Like what?"

"For one she always covers her right eye. Also we can confirm she's completely mute, possibly a side affect of her curse. She seems to be 10 or 11 years old, still quite young."

"What about her curse in general?"

"We haven't been able to gain any information in that regard. She's quite uncooperative. Which is where you come in." His tone was no longer inviting.

I nodded, not knowing what was required of me.

"Your quite close in age to her, so you'll be sent in to try making her cooperate. Someone close in age could convince her better then grown-ups."

No room for argument, I was ready to do this.

"Let's go."

I nodded following him.

Soon we came to the maximum security cell. There were two guards guarding it. This was the first time in who knows how long someone was thrown in here. She must be really dangerous.

"You know what to do." He told the two guarding it. They both nodded, there's no talking back to the Emperor. Especially when your just a scout.

"Take this." A guard gave me a small button, "If she tries anything press the button and the room will automatically tie everyone in the room up, we'll get you free and let her go when your out."

I nodded.

"You have 2 hours before you have to leave, we'll notify you with your device." The other said.

I nodded.

"Good luck, you'll need it." They said together and opened the door.

I entered a small place with another set of doors. After the doors I came through closed the second ones opened and I walked in.

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