Dream come true

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Time flied a lot faster then I thought it would. After the Coven Convention ended we said goodbye to Edric and went back to the castle. It's sad to think that we'll never be able to hang out with him again.

By now there was only 4 months until the initiation of the Golden Guard, and the ball was only a couple of weeks away. It was going to be where the new Golden Guard would be announced. This was going to be the first and only time Emperor Belos would show up to the ball. I was assigned security duty. Basically I check each person before they enter for anything that's not allowed, confiscate it, let them in, and give it back to them once they leave. Once everyone has arrived I would assist in the appearance of each of the higher-ups by being one of the two scouts to pull the curtains back.

I was EXTREMELY nervous for this to happen. I didn't know who the new Golden Guard would be and I was terrified that not only it wouldn't be me, but that I would have to watch it. I didn't know what I would do if it wasn't me. Not only would it be horrible, it would also mean I'm never going to be anything but a stupid disappointment of a scout for my entire life. I would rather slit my own throat than for that to happen.

The weeks leading up to the ball were some of the most stressful in my entire life. Even my once a week meet ups with Estera couldn't calm my nerves. She had even tried to use her Oracle abilities to try to help. However all she was able to come up with for the ball was something would happen that changed my life forever. And either way it'll definitely change my life.

On the night of the ball I was in my normal uniform and forcing myself to stay calm, freaking out in the Emperor's Coven was something you NEVER did. By the time the teens started arriving I was completely calm and ready for them. Keeping my mind completely blank. As I searched each of them I found quite a lot of things that needed to be confiscated. Eventually I saw a familiar head of green hair and immediately recognized him, I was a bit surprised he was here. He was standing next to someone who looked like a female version of him. Probably his twin sister. I stopped them and found at least 12 different things that needed to be confiscated on each of them. More than everything else I had confiscated so far!

It was all things they seemed to be wanting to use to cause chaos throughout the ball. Luckily I learned my lesson with my first meeting with Edric and put it all in the confiscated box. Much to both of there disappointment.

Once everyone had arrived I locked the confiscated box away and put the key in my pocket. Then I walked over to the stage and stood there, our alarm devices would vibrate against us when it was time to open the curtains. Waiting patiently I couldn't help but notice how the ball was going.

Everyone seemed to be really enjoying themselves. There were kids all over the place talking, dancing, eating things on the snack tables, and more. All of the guests were wearing formal clothing. Even Edric and his sister had a matching yellow suit and dress. Everyone was seeming to really enjoy themselves. Estera was too young for the ball, but we had plans for her to go next year. I had always disliked the ball, but the thought of how much fun she would have was enough to push down my distaste for it.

Then I felt a vibration and just on time the entire room went dark. A scout came up with a microphone.

"Hello everyone! It's so good to see your all enjoying yourselves! As usual now that the balls halfway done it's time to introduce the best of the best of the Emperor's Coven starting with", me and the other scout in charge of the curtains pulled them open, "Non other than the handmaiden of the Emperor Himself, Kikimora!!"

We all watched as she came out and bowed, going to one side of the stage. Their was loud clapping.

"Next up is the head of the Coven herself, Lilith Clawthorne!"

She walked out with a smile and waved before going to the other side of the stage. More clapping and a couple of whistles and woops.

"Now for the special announcement of the next Golden Guard, we have the one, the only, Emperor Belos!!!"

The crowd went absolutely crazy when he walked out. This was going to be the first and only time he would show up to one of these.

"Hello there everyone! As you know I'm here to announce the new Golden Guard. I wouldn't be showing his face to any of you, or telling you there name. But you've all already meet him."

How could they have all already meet them?

"I'm sure you confused. The new Golden Guard will be the very person who did a security check of each of you before you entered."

There was a loud gasp across the room. If the new Golden Guard was in charge of Security then-

He pointed at me and beckoned for me to come over, I walked over almost in a trance.

"Meet the new Golden Guard!"

I watched as the crowd went crazy. I was frozen in place. This was a dream come true. This was the only thing I had wanted since learning of the Golden Guard's existence. I felt a huge smile grow on my lips. I straightened myself up and sucked in the applause of the audience. I deserved it.

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