A normal day as a scout

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It had been a couple of weeks since Belos had told me he was proud, and I worked even harder after that. I was going to do everything I could to be worthy of his praise.

I was woken up by knocking at the door. "Get up scout! You have work to do!" I heard a voice yell from behind it.

I yawned and got out of bed. I had held onto my frog plush last night. My uncle was always to busy to give me any type of affection. He had given me this plush when I was younger to help me when I was scared. Now I would also use it as a way to make up for the affection I didn't have. I would cuddle it to feel better. Especially after nightmare's that woke me up in the middle of the night. Not that I would ever tell anyone.

It was stupid to need a stuffed animal. especially when I was already 12, or was I 13? Nope definitely 12. I lose track of how old I am sometimes.

I got changed and put my mask on before leaving my room and going downstairs. After getting up the scouts were required to go downstairs in the cafeteria for breakfast where we were served whatever was on the menu that day.

Once I got downstairs I walked into cafeteria and went straight to the serving area and got my food. Scouts were allowed to eat a certain amount of food each day.

I sat down at an empty table and ate. I was uncomfortable with all of the noise. The other scouts were talking and hanging out while they ate. As soon as I finished eating I left and walked over to the job chart.

At the beginning of each week new scouts were given a different chore to do around the castle. After you were finished with your chore you had the rest of the day off. Your work was checked at the end of each week. I looked for my name and found I would be doing the inside of the windows this week. That meant I had to clean and dust every window from the inside of the castle every day.

I went to work as soon as possible. The chores you were required to do were meant to get you ready for the tasks you needed to do on missions. Or for simply being able to keep your attention on guarding the halls when it was your turn.

I started on the first floor and went up. There were a lot of windows, but I knew how to work fast and accurately. My plan was to do half and half each day, and on the final day do both. By the time I was halfway done with the half I was working on it was still over an hour till lunch. I continued working until Lunch arrived. I walked back to the cafeteria and got my lunch. I was exhausted. My arms felt like lead as I ate. And I could tell I wasn't the only one. The chores we were given weren't easy. But being in the Emperor's coven wasn't an easy task. To be the best of the best you had to do everything you could to prove your worth everyday.

Once I finished eating I went back to work. I was able to finally finish my chore about 2 hours before dinner. I walked straight to my room. Once I got there I collapsed onto my bed. My body was so tired.

I got into a more comfortable position and buried my face into my frog plush. It felt good to just hold onto the gift my uncle gave me. After I was able to get most of my energy back I started reading. During my time in hiding one of the only places I could visit was the library. And I was given the key to the forbidden sections so no one could find me. Now one of my favorite pastimes was to read books that no one else could. My favorite was wild magic. I found it so interesting to read about. And I especially liked reading books written by wild witches, it was interesting to read about their though process.

I knew that wild witches were evil, and that there thoughts were corrupt. Which is one of the reasons why there books interested me so much. It felt good to know how their minds worked. I had been surprised when I first read one of the books a wild witch had written. The way they wrote it didn't make it seem any different from other books I read. But then I started to see that it was promoting wild magic, and that it was calling my Uncle things that were horrible and not the slightest bit true. It disgusted me so much that whenever one of the books said something like that I couldn't even look at it. Much less read it.

Despite this most of the time the books didn't say anything of the sort. So I was able to make it through them relatively easy. I didn't only read the things I the restricted area though. I enjoyed things everyone had access to as well. Something I noticed was that all of the books written by wild witches were all in the restricted area. But it made sense, the last thing we needed was the wild witches corrupting our thoughts with their lies.

By dinner time I had just finished the book I had been reading through. It was a big book by a wild witch we had the petrification of in a month. And I had been reading it for the past week. I didn't have much free time but when I did I would just read and/or cuddle with my plush. Usually either the former or both.

When I walked downstairs to dinner I could tell the other rookies were exhausted. Most of the time we weren't able to finish our chores by the end of the day, I certainly couldn't if I didn't decide to split it in half.

After eating I walked back upstairs to my room and checked the time. Scouts had a curfew for how long they could be awake before going to bed. Honestly though it wasn't a problem. Almost everyday I fell asleep as soon as I was done with dinner. And with how exhausted everyone else was I was sure it was the same.

As I fell asleep I thought about how working in the Emperor's Coven was like. It was tiring but it was way better than being in a lesser Coven. Yah, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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