Chapter 23: Return To Beacon

Start from the beginning

Vanitas: Good to see you too.

Ozpin: Glynda please let the boy rest.

She sigh and let go of me.

Glynda: Fine, but what happened?

Vanitas: Eh, nothing happen.

Weiss: Oh really?

She grab my cheeks and started pulling making my face stretch out, she then realized that won't effect me so she bite me in retaliation were the Vampire Queen bit me.

Vanitas: Ahh!

I push her back now I was holding on to the spot where the mark was.

Weiss: What?

She grab my shirt pulling it revealing my mark.

Weiss: What's this!?

Ruby: What's that?

Yang: You have a tattoo!?

Blake: I don't remember you having that.

Vanitas: This is...

They all lean closer playing much more attention to my word.

Vanitas: The mark of the Queen.

Other: What!?

Ruby: What queen?

Vanitas: The last vampire, the Vampire Queen, Yue.

The room went silent as their eyes widen, I just look through the window looking towards the broken moon.

Ruby POV

Weiss was walking back and forward around the room in frustration.

Ruby: Weiss are you okay?

Yang: You been walking around for hours.

Weiss: Did you guy even heard him? He said was attack and lost to a real vampire.

Yang: And your point is?

Weiss: If his mother kill the vampire years ago then if the queen survive then why didn't she kill him?

Blake: Like for revenge?

Weiss: Yeah! So why she let him live? It doesn't make sense!

Ruby: Well when we find him he was losing a lot of blood.

Blake: And the mark on him he said it was the mark of the Queen. Why did she mark him anyway?

Yang: Much be claiming her future husband.


Yang: Okay! Looking like somebody have a crush on Vanitas.

I blushed then stuff my face to my pillow.

Yang: Blake why are you blushing?

RW: What!?

Weiss: Wait a minute?

We both got up and walk to her grabbing on to her shirt.

Ruby: What did you guy do when you two were gone!?

Weiss: Did you do something to him, I swear if you tainted his innocent I will make you regret every second here, Blake!

Blake: I didn't do anything! Sure we stay in the same room but we don't sleep on the same bed like before.

Ruby: Wait what?

Weiss: You two...

Yang: Slept on the same bed before!?

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