Chapter Thirty-Seven | Out Of The Group Chat

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- Tamara Myers -

"We've got a hell of a long trip to go, are you sure we couldn't have just taken a plane?" Jasmine complains, placing her suitcase in the boot of the car.

Kai shuts it and leans against his car, "that was the plan until that idiot over there decided that he would drive us all the way."

"It's a two day journey! How am I supposed to shower?" Jasmine asks, tying her hair up.

Enzo walks up to us, "It's due to rain while we drive so take advantage of it." He laughs. They begin to bicker and Kai walks straight to me.

"Seriously, this was a terrible idea. When do we ever let Enzo make decisions for us?" I ask, opening the car door.

"I can hear you! Words can hurt." Enzo calls out. He gets in the drivers seat, Jasmine in the passenger leaving Kai and I in the backseats with Nova.

I strap her in the seat next to me and unlock her cage, readjusting her princess pillow.

"This will be torture for the poor kitten." I sigh, getting a toy from her bag and giving it to Nova.

"We will be fine quit complaining..."

Enzo turns onto the motorway and drives on ahead as music plays quietly in the background. Kai is fast asleep on my shoulder and I move the long part of his seatbelt so that it's behind him.

My arm shifts slightly so that Kai is more comfortable and I use my other hand to go on my phone.

"If you could be another person in this car, who would you be and why?" Enzo asks, removing his hands from the steering wheel.

I contemplate it for a moment, picking at my nails. "Definitely you Enzo. I want to what goes through your head sometimes."

Jasmine speaks up, "I'd probably be Kai, see what it's like to be a dumbass."

Kai lifts his head off my shoulder temporarily and throws his stuffed bear at Jasmine, "go away JJ." He laughs, "you don't appreciate how hard it is being me."

We all laugh and Jasmine replies to him, turning to face us. "My apologies, plus I don't have the capacity to do those daily affirmations you do."

"It's a lifestyle." He sighs as if he's got the world on his shoulders. "I'd be Jasmine because I'd want to see what torturing Enzo looks like from her eyes."

"You already do that with your awful guitar playing in the middle of the night! Who are you serenading at that hour?" Enzo chuckles before turning into another lane.

"I thought you'd appreciate my songs for you a little more, Gomez. At least now I know that this friendship is one-sided."

Jasmine lets out a low whistle, "Tamara looks like Enzo's on the way to steal your man."

I grab Kai's arm jokingly and everyone begins to laugh. "Anyway, I'd be T so if actually know how it feels to have animals like me. Your daughter over there is warming up to me but gosh you have a gift with animals Tamara."

"I get really protective over them. Them and children." I smile, looking over at Nova.

"Let's play never have I ever!"

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