Chapter Thirty-Two | Kids

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- Kai Wesley -

"Penny for your thoughts?" I ask Tamara placing a book back in the shelf.

"You know when you go out for a run, at what point do you start running once you've left the building?" Tamara asks.


We're in the library sorting through the children's section while some kids play with the blocks in their little area for my mom. A couple people have borrowed books and we're just putting them back in their places for the next borrowers.

"Myers, what type of question is that?" I raise an eyebrow not understanding.

"No, it's not a ridiculous question. Think about it, you leave your house - leave your gate and then transition to running? What if someone sees the transition from walking to jogging or vise-versa?" She continues.

I shake my head, "I'm not sure Tamara. I start jogging once I turn past the building. No one is usually there so I'm safe."

A kid walks up to me interrupting our conversation and hands me a book I'm assuming she wants me to read to her. I love children, although Enzo might tell you differently.

There was this one kid who made it his mission to annoy me back in high-school. He was like eleven - which is in my opinion: it's old enough to know better.

Anyway, he would pour paint on my clothes, glitter in my hair, etc. What made it worse was that I had to babysit this kid and his little sister.

Half the time we were playing duck duck the fucking goose around his house.

Literally traumatising.

"Hey there, my name is Kai. Do you want me to read to you?" I ask after crouching down to her height.

She nods and her curly hair splays everywhere. "My name Keira. I like superheroes!" She giggles.

Tamara pokes her head away from the shelf to see the commotion and her eyes light up when she sees Keira.

"Hello there, you're so cute! What's your name?"

Keira runs to Tamara and sits on her lap once Tamara sits on the floor. "Wow, so pretty! Hair nice! I mean, nice hair!"

Aw she's cute.

I nod, "isn't she the prettiest girl you've ever seen?" Keira smiles and nods, "Same."

Tamara grins and turns her head away from me and her face heats up, going red. "What do you want to read? Ten rules of being a superhero?" Tamara asks, picking up a book from her basket of unorganised kids books.

We settle down and Tamara calls all the other kids around to form a circle next to her. I take my seat next to her right, Keira on her left and the rest of the children sitting with us in a circle.

"Hi guys, my name is Tamara. Nice to meet you all and I'm going to read you a story. This is Kai, my really good friend." She winks at me and she takes my hand.

"Your voice sounds different!"

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"What's a boyfriend?"

Her eyes widen and she turns to meet my gaze. I simply smirk at her and nudge my head towards the children. This'll be interesting.

"Yeah, my voice sounds different because I'm not from here. But hopefully you can all still understand me. To answer your question: yes, Kai is my boyfriend. I think you should ask your parents what that is - to fully understand." She dodges smoothly.

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