Chapter Thirty-One | Milkshakes

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- Tamara Myers -

I got fired.

That's just amazing. Isn't it? I swear it wasn't necessarily my fault - I was just standing my ground, but now I've got no job and need to find another source of income.

Let me explain myself. A girl came into the diner similar to my age and started to pick a fight. Of course as a diner we sell burgers, milkshakes etc. I was her waitress and I brought her food over. As I should.

Anyway, she then shrieked and said that there was a hair in her food. But the hair in question was blonde. Now I don't know about you - but my hair is brunette through and through. Now, the girls hair however, is platinum blonde. See where I'm going with this?

Of course she complains and starts shouting at me for unprofessionalism knowing damn well that the strand came from her scalp. My manager gets called and he sorts out the situation more or less.

She demands another drink but refuses to pay for it. I tell her that we don't do that here. Because we don't. Then out of anger, she throws her drink on me.

Yep. So what did I do, you ask?

I took a cup of cold water and threw one right back at her. It was instinct - I swear. The girl got kicked out and I got 'dismissed' because I should've let the manager handle the situation.

To be honest, I don't regret a single thing - apart from actually getting fired. Now I'm in my car shivering in a white translucent shirt.

My first instinct is to go home. Not as in London, but back to my dorm. But I decide against that, because I was supposed to meet up with Kai anyway. Another assignment in English that he can't grasp the concept of. So that's exactly where I go.

Kai opens the door and Nova waddles up to me. I pick her up and give her a hug. "Hey, you're early. Wait hold on, what's wrong - did something happen?"

"How could you tell something happened?" I ask with a dry laugh.

He turns and gestures inside so I can step in, "well for one, your shirt is kinda see-through. And you're wearing your sunglasses." He walks over to his dresser and finds a sweater handing it to me, "wear this in the meantime."

I bow my head, letting Nova down and he takes a step forward giving me a hug, "Do I even want to see what's behind those glasses?" He jokes.

"Probably not, I have really big eye bags from crying." I laugh, but it falls short. I remove them slightly so he can see my eyes before covering my eyes again.

"What happened?" He asks once he sits down on his bed. I remain standing because I don't want to get his bed wet, but he pulls me onto his lap anyway.

Kai removes my sunglasses and wipes the tears from my eyes with his thumbs. I give him a teary smile as he presses a kiss on my cheeks where my tears have stained my face. I sigh and leave my head on his shoulder.

Good thing I didn't wear makeup today.

I fill him in on everything and he nods in understanding. "Well you can always look for another job. That girl better sleep with both eyes open." I shake my head and he kisses my cheek. "It's fine, at least you stood your ground. But now you're all sticky."

A laugh escape my lips, "that's what-"

"Not a chance." He interrupts, placing a finger to my lips. "You can take a shower here. I'll bring you something to wear."


Kai knocks on the bathroom door and brings in another one of his hoodies with a pair of my leggings that I left the last time I slept over. I definitely look like I do yoga or something.

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