Chapter Fourteen | Cupcakes

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- Kai Wesley -

I scan my keycard and walk into the English lit lecture hall and find my seat. I did come a bit later so I'm trying to catch up on what I've missed.

That's when I catch Mabel saying something pretty important, "We'll be taking a trip to England to see the Globe Theatre. You all have already paid for the trip, it'll be a week from now. Hopefully you haven't forgotten."

I don't remember Mabel telling us anything..

I slide my seat next to Tamara who's texting someone on her phone, when she sees me she smiles and tucks her phone away.

"Who are you texting Myers?" I ask curiously.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She replies suspiciously, "No, I was texting my old friends back home. While we're there I might as well try and meet up with some of them."

"I've never been to England before. The furthest I've been is probably Canada." Tamara's eyes widen and she turns to me.

"Really? Well I'm offering right now to be your tour guide. If we end up hanging out together. Granted, there isn't anything super special about London, but if it's your first time there - we're going to make it count." She decides.

"If you're going to be with Jasmine then we'll definitely be around each other. Enzo and Jasmine are usually a pair and since Enzo's my friend. You'll be seeing a lot more of me." I declare.

"Unfortunately," She teases.

Mabel continues to speak about the trip and then a duo goes up to present their presentation. It doesn't look like we'll have enough time to present today, so probably next week.

After the presentation, we're dismissed and I head straight to the ice rink to practice. Not only are exams coming up, but so is our first game. I'm pretty sure I'm ready, but a lot is going on at once so I feel like this trip will be the break that I need.

To be honest, I never understood the concept of going on trips and then writing a report about it. How the hell am I supposed to remember every detail to analyse in my essay? It's literally a memory game - and I happen to only remember things that are really important to me. What's ironic is: I'm an English Lit major but can't do it to save my life. All because I have bad memory.

James skates up to me after taking a couple laps around the rink. Oh great.

"Wesley - long time no see! How've you been, man?"

"I've been good. You?" I ask, simply to be polite. Can't he tell that I don't want to speak to him?

"I'm alright thanks." He pauses. How much do you want to bet that he'll say something stupid? "So, about Tamara..." he trails off.

Yep, I knew it.

I begin to skate slowly away from him, "mhm, what about her?"

"She seems sweet..." when he sees my expression he slows down, "um, is there something going on between you two?"

"I never said, but if there is? What's it to you?"

Kai shut up, it's been what? A month!

He shrugs and skates ahead of me, turning around so that he's skating backwards. Ok big guy.

"I was just asking, seriously. I had a chat with her the other day - just wanted to make sure I got the green light. Not stepping on anyone's toes or anything, you understand right?" Wait what? Does this guy think this is Love Island?

I stop skating and hold onto the glass edge to balance myself, "What the hell are you talking about James?"

"You aren't dating her so-"

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