Chapter Thirteen | Rocky

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- Tamara Myers -

"I am absolutely useless at this." Jasmine complains, flailing herself into my lap. For some context, she told a kid that she would tutor them for a little extra money. Turns out, she's forgotten how to do most of the easy stuff.

"Seriously Tamara, how did we do this? I've never used the cosine rule since and I'm literally doing math! What type of nonsense are they teaching kids these days."

I stroke her hair while she goes on a rant about how much she hated high school. "Jas, why did you offer to tutor the child if you don't even remember how to do it?" I ask.

"Nothing wrong with a little extra cash. I really thought I could do it T. But I can't handle the shame of cancelling because I'll feel bad."

"Alright then, let's learn it now." Even though maths was definitely one of my weaker subjects. I'm not completely useless at it.

We both sit up and attempt to relearn our secondary school topics.

"Tamara, what the hell is a circle theorem?"

Oh boy.


I leave Jasmine's dorm about two hours later and go off to work. Janet is already there taking care of customers. It seems to be busy today...

"Hey Tamara, can you help me out with table number 11?" She yells over the noise.

"Be right there, Janet." I quickly throw my apron over my uniform, placing my name tag on it. Janet hands me the tray of milkshakes to hand out to the table.

I love the job because of how many customers we get, we get little regulars that I've grown really fond of. A couple months ago if you'd told me that I'd actually really like America - even with the language miscommunications. I would've laughed in your face.

"Another one for number 18!" Someone calls out and I get straight to it. Setting the milkshakes down on the table and look up to see Kai and Enzo there. Somehow I feel like this isn't just by chance....

"Stalking me in my workplace, Kai? Looks like I'll have to file a restraining order." I laugh, sliding his milkshake over to him.

"Don't worry too much Myers, I already told you that this was my new favourite spot."

I wave at Enzo and give him his milkshake, moving to the table behind him to grab the empty cups, "Your favourite because I'm here? Way to flatter a girl."

He doesn't deny anything and takes a sip of his milkshake. I simply smirk and move over to the cash register.

"Can we get a clean up at number 2?"

This is going to be a long shift.


After my shift, I walk out to my car to find Kai leaning against it waiting for me. I toss him my keys and he catches them with ease, unlocking the car. We've fallen into a sort of routine. Every other day we'd end up bumping into each other somehow and going to university together.

"How come you're still here? You finished your milkshake ages ago." I ask, getting in and sitting in the driver's seat.

"Enzo said he had to go, something about tutoring with Jasmine or something like that." He mumbles, rubbing his eye.

"Oh yeah, she mentioned that. I didn't know Enzo was going with her." I add, turning out of the car park and onto the main road. He looks scrolls through his phone and connects it to the speaker playing some music. "Where to, today?"

"I've got to finish my part of the essay so I can submit it and we need to work on actually presenting our work. Cues and all of that."

"No hockey practice today?" I ask, taking my hand off the steering wheel to tie my hair up. "Damn, I have no hair bands left."

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