Chapter 12

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"Leaving so soon, Yuna?"

Yuna's heart skipped a beat when she heard the familiar voice. It can't be her. She unhurriedly turned around just to see a figure staring down at her from above the staircase tower through which Yuna had entered the rooftop earlier.

"Surprise!" Liya sang as she slipped to the concrete floor almost soundlessly.


"Ah, come on! Don't give me that look, it pains me!" Liya exclaimed as she advanced.

It was when her figure finally came into the moonlight did Yuna comprehended Liya was wearing her cat mask. She stifled a shiver, she knew it meant business.

"You were supposed to be in Barrenton..." Yuna breathed, beginning to come up with a plan to escape the situation for she had run out of bullets.

"Oh, was I?" Liya slipped her hands into the pocket of her black jeans, her eyes trained on Yuna. "Did you really believe we would trust a mole like you with this plan where we had our lives on the line?"

Yuna sucked in an unsteady breath, she was certain her cover was blown and she had been impulsive enough to let it happen.
"How did you find out?" She asked, trying to buy herself some time while she prepared to strike. The fire alarms were echoing in distance and Liya sneered.

"About you joining hands with our enemy?" Liya chuckled, "I guess you can say I never really took you to be a trustworthy person, to begin with."

"And my suspicion only grew when we found out you were working for the Knights," She added."Your little vacation wasn't supporting the case eith-"

Before she could finish, Yuna hurled herself forward, aiming her fists at the younger's jaw. Liya swiftly sidled to the side, hands still resting in her pockets. For some reason, Liya's nonchalance has managed to piss Yuna off more than her very own displeasing situation right now did.

Yuna flew her other arm towards Liya but the latter took a step back, broadening the distance between them. "I thought you were better than this," Liya remarked and even though Yuna couldn't see her face, she knew she was smirking.

The Sniper thrusted her leg at the masked girl in front of her but the latter shoved it away with a sharp strike of her hand. Yuna tried to kick her again but the attempt didn't conclude any differently than the first one had.

For the next few seconds, Yuna kept trying to get a hit right but it all went in vain. It was almost as if Liya was seeing right through her every move, dodging them with smooth—almost feline grace. At that moment, Yuna could make perfect sense of the name the girl in front of her had earned in the underworld.

Shadow cat.

Yuna jerked herself back now, trying to catch her breath. She could hear loud resonant sounds coming from the building Lee Know and Jimin had entered earlier.
Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, mainly because she had suspected Liya was holding herself back from attacking her than her own struggle. Liya just snickered and pulled her hands out of her pockets, stretching them behind her head.

"It's a shame, actually" Liya began, sighing dramatically. "I, now, can see why Dark Knight's leader chose Jungkook over his very own daughter to lead the gang in his absence-"

Liya paused just as a sudden wave of pain shot through her body and blood oozed down her nose. Her eyes found Yuna's.
She was standing there, hands clenched at her sides, eyes glaring daggers her way.
"Don't talk about shit you don't understand!" Yuna spat.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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