Chapter 9

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"We met sooner than expected, Shadow cat."

Liya let out a low chuckle, "Did we now?"

Czaritsa's eyes moved towards Liya's shoes that were placed on the desk. Her jaws slightly clenched. If there was one thing she hated the most, it was dirt. She was a clean freak.

She turned back to look at Liya, "What brings you here?" she asked with a blank face.

"Cant I just pay you a visit to greet you?" She grabbed a pen from the table and started playing with it by swirling it with her fingers.

"I don't have time to waste, get straight to your point."

Liya stopped swirling the pen and raised her eyes to look at the women across the table, "I have a proposal."

Czaritsa raised her eyebrow, "And why would I agree to it?"

"Because there's nothing to lose in it."

Czaritsa didn't lower her eyebrow, indicating Liya to continue.

Liya pulled back her legs and leaned forward, placing her elbows on the table, "As much as we hate each other, we have one thing in common, neither of us cares about the peace and it's a fact."


"Let's spice up things a little." The corner of her lips slightly turned upward, "I'll help you find what you want."

"And what is it that I want?"


Czaritsa's eyes slightly widened, "What do you mean?"

"I will help you find curse," Liya continued, "I can help you find it through Stella."

"What makes you think you can find it?" Czaritsa challenged.

Liya chuckled, "I never back away till I get what I want, no matter the cost. So if curse gets my interest, there's no way it will be able to run away from me, and I can assure you... if you agree, I will find it." Liya stood up from the chair and pulled back up her black mask, "But," she continued without breaking the eye contact.


"I'll need your support." Liya placed her hands in her pocket as she walked towards the older and stopped at a distance in front of her, "I would need you to give me all the information you have gathered about it till now. I can't find it just using Stella and I'm sure you already know about it."

"And what would you gain by doing all this?" Her expression remained the same throughout.


"What?" Czaritsa laughed in disbelief, "Entertainment?"

"Yup, entertainment." Liya continued with a hint of excitement I'm her voice, "I don't care about what SPARK or the gangs do, I just care about the fun... I am even ready to change sides if that's what it would take to make things more fun and I'm sure, you facing curse would be a sight worth witnessing, so I really want to find curse."

Czaritsa laughed, "You really are something."

"So, deal?" Liya smirked behind her mask as she held out her hand.

Czaritsa looked at her hand that was held out then at her, "I don't see a reason to reject," she said as took her hand and shook it.

Liya pulled back her hand and placed it in her pocket, "I should get going then," she said as she walked past Czaritsa, towards the door.

"Aren't you going to go back the way you came in?" Czaritsa turned towards Liya.

Liya stopped in her tracks and turned to look back at the older, "Doors exist for a reason you know."

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