"It's fucking cold outside and your eating a Caldron cream?!"

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(December 12)

"Now, shall we start walking through the gates?" Draco said to all of us, "WE SHALL." All three of us said at the same time as we started to walk into the gates. We were all walking around because the diner we want go to doesn't open around 10:30AM but most of the places are open but they aren't the ones we want to go to, "Come on, let's go get some Caldron cream?!" Pansy said to me as both Harry and Draco were talking about the diner, "Okay!" I told her as we started to hold hands and walked towards where Caldron cream is. . .

Harry's POV

"I hope the food is good because then I just came here for nothing." I told him, "Yeah, I really hope that too." He agreed with me, "By the way Harry, you look absolutely stunning with tight-fitting clothes." He said me and he looked at me up and down with a smirk on his face  and I blushed a bit to his comment as he hugged me, "Wait, where is the other love birds, Love?" I asked Draco as he held a bit away from him so we can see eye to eye, "Well technically, they are not our responsibility- the kids won't die." He joked about it in last part, which made me giggle. As I saw both of the love birds coming back from where every they were with Caldron cream, "Shouldn't you two have waited for after breakfast?" I told them a bit concerned but I  was hugged by Draco from behind and he knows don't like that- well, I do like it but. . ., "I thought you were supposed to be smarter than me, Pansy?!" Draco said staring at her as she stared back at him, "Oh shut up, say the one who ate Mint-chocolate Caldron sandwich creams for breakfast for almost whole month and I had to stop him from doing it any longer?!" Pansy told as she pointed her finger at Draco, "What, I don't remember that?!" He said as he looked a bit ashamed, "Don't be ashamed Draco because Harry did it too- but with the black cherry and it was for more than a month." Hermione told him as she giggled then patted Draco's head with her empty hand, "But Pansy I have one serious question for you and maybe Hermione." . . .

Draco's POV

I can't believe she brought that up but who can resist Caldron sandwich cream- Caldron-cream in general,  "But Pansy I have one serious question for you and maybe Hermione." I asked, "Yes?" They both answer, "It's fucking cold outside and your eating a Caldron- cream?!" I scolded them as if I was their parents, "Well, we wanted one and the Diner we are supposed to be eating wasn't open yet. Plus, you didn't pay them or did you?!" Pansy said, "No, I didn't but that doesn't make this any better?!" I told her and I was going to tell her more but then Hermione intervene, "Look the Diner is open, let's go?!" She told us as she grabbed Harry and they skipped together all the way into the Diner. It made me and Pansy forget about fighting and started to laugh about how cute they both can be; We walked into the Diner and saw both of them sitting together on one side of the table, "What will you guys get?" The waitress asked all of us as we sit down, "Strawberry-cheesecake pancakes" Hermione said like a little child and we all looked at her but not in a bad way, "I'm sorry." She apologized for behavior? "No need to apologize to us, its nice to see this side of you more." I told her as I smiled, Pansy and Harry agreed with me, "okay." She said as she smiled at all of us. "So, what are you going to get, love?" I asked Harry, "Uhh, maybe I will get French Toast with honey- how about you, Honey?" He asked me as he looked up at me, "I will a get a Chocolate chip with mint pancakes. How about you, Pansy?" I asked Pansy, "uhh, I will get pancakes with whipped-cream and chocolate chips." She said looking at the waitress, "Ok, your guys order will be here in 20-30 minutes and anything to drink?" The waitress asked, "We will all get orange juice." Pansy said as we all agree, "I will be back as soon as your food is ready!" Our waitress said happily as she left. I was looking at Harry, thinking about how beautiful he looked right now but he then gave me a small evil smirk as I felt a foot going up to where my member was located at and his foot starting to rub it, we both were staring each other down as I put my leg up, the same as his was. He whimpered at what I did as he pushed down on my member which made me groan, "Damn you, Saint potter." I said as I covered my mouth not wanting to make another noise come out again, "Hehe." Harry said as he was breathing heavily, "Are you alright, Harry?" Hermione asked as she stopped her conversation with Pansy. "Yes, I am alright. Why do you ask, Hermione?" Harry asked her, "Oh ok, it's because you look kind of red." She told him, "oh". "Here you are. Is that all for today?" The waitress said as we all said thank you as she placed our orders in front of us, "You are all so welcome, dearies." She said with a smile as she left to go attend the other guest, "Mmm, this is so good?!" Hermione said with delight as she took another bit of her food, "Can I try?" Pansy to her, "Pans, you have your own food." I told her, "No, it's alright I don't mind it and if guys want to try it too, you can?" She told us happily as she feed Pansy a bite of her food and her eyes lit up, "That is so good?! Who would have known that pancakes and cheesecake would go so well together- try it?" She told us as she was savoring her bites, "Can I try, Miney?" Harry asked even though she already said that we can try, "Yes, open for the Hogwarts Express, Harry." Hermione told Harry as she made litte choo-choo sounds and Harry did what she told to as he took the bite of food off her fork, "That is good- Pansy was right?!". I love how they take care of each other, "Your turn, love!" He excitedly told me, "No, I don't think Hermione ever wants to share with me." I said in a pretty rude way, "Oh but I really don't mind at all- if you want you can grab your fork and take some?" She told me as she was kinda pouting- probably because she wanted to feed me just like she did with Harry, "Ugh, fine go ahead." I told as I open my mouth, "ok!" She said as she cut a bite and stab it with the fork, " Here comes the Hogwarts Express, Draco." She told as she made the train sounds again. When the spoon went to my mouth- they were right, it taste so good. It tasted like a pancake with melted strawberry cheesecake- it tasted like if it both in the inside and out side of the pancake and that's what add more flavor to it, "Wow, that amazing?!" I said as my eyes widened in shock of how good it was, "See I told you that it was absolutely delicious?!" Harry said to me, "Alright, let's all stop picking on Hermione's food and eat our own." Pansy told us as if she wasn't the one who ate off of Hermione's food. After we all finished our food, we stayed there talking about random things and then that question came up- the one I didn't want to be brought up, "I know that Harry told me a while ago but is it true about what is going to happen on the fourteenth?!" She asked as now she was serious, " Really Harry- couldn't keep it to yourself?" I told him, "Hehe." He chuckled nervously, "Well, the death eater are going to try and attack. Also, that would be the day I would be getting my mark- if they win." I told them a tad bit coldly, "Well, stop talking about that topic and how about the winter camp? Are you guys going?" Pansy said to all of us, "When is it again?" Harry asked, "It starts the  17 then ends the 20. After the 22th, we have winter break and then the Yule Ball." Hermione told us. . .

Harry's POV

I can't believe I forgot about the winter camp thing we have every year and the Ball. "I'm going if you are all going." Draco stated, "Well, I'm for sure going- it would be a nice stress reliever." Pansy told us. "Then, I will go; I wasn't able to go last time since I got sick. How about you Harry?" Hermione asked me, "Uhh, I don't know but I will probably go." I told her, "Well then, let's go back to the other topic we were talking about before this, Draco?" Pansy said as she looked at him, "Well, I don't have every much information about it but from what I know is they are going to attack and they are going to try and kill him." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "That is the first thing in our list to protect Dumbledore. I may not like him as I use to but he is an important part of getting rid of Voldemort."  I seriously and quietly spoke with a calming tone, they all agreed on what I said. "Well, we should start heading back because the next set of students are about to come." Hermione said as she stood up and we did the same. As we kept walking Hermione pushed us all in to a corner then she peeked over the corner- we did the same just to see why she did it, "It's Ginny and Luna?!" She whispered to all of us as we were looking at the same direction she was and indeed it was. Ginny and Luna were face to face with their hands together and Luna was smiling at Ginny while Ginny was saying something to her- we couldn't really hear what she was saying to them but we heard a good amount to know what is and what was happening between them, "I love you, Luna, and. . . that would be the reason I have always loved you. . .it's been great to have you as someone who will stay by my side no matter the cost but now I don't only want that. . . I want you to be mine as well. . . .So, will you be mine until the end, Lun?" It was really hard to hear what they were talking about but we got good information.
I can't believe Gin actually did it, she actually confessed to them- I'm proud. "We're clear to walk again- they both left." Miney said to us as we all got out of the corner we were in, "Wow." Draco said to himself, I looked at him  to see if he was alright, "I thinking about something- don't mind me." He told me as he looked at the ground, "Hey, Draco?" I whispered to him because I didn't the other two to hear even though they way ahead of us, "Yes?" He questioned, "Why don't we hold hands like Pansy and Hermione do?" I told him as I wondering about why we don't, "Well it's because I want to respect your boundaries and will only hold your hand if you want me to." He told me with a smile. How did I get so lucky with someone like him, "Can you?" Right after I said that, I felt a hand on mine and I looked down to see his hand holding mine. It made me feel butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks going red because I don't even remember if we have ever held hands but I never want this to end, just this one time I want I want nothing to change but something in me is telling this will be the last time we will ever be happy and care free. . . .

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