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(December 12)

Ron's POV

When I woke up and got ready for the day, I couldn't seem to find anyone and so I left dormitory's to start heading to who knows where. After what happened with the thing with Malfoy and Harry telling me that I was the arse-hole for going off on him, I left after he told me that but he was right I shouldn't have gone off and assumed he had or has a good life. But it wasn't right for Harry to tell me that am the arse-hole, I thought as I was walking through the halls and stairs until I bumped into someone, "There you are?! Why did you run off like that yesterday, I couldn't find you until now, Ron?!" Blaise told me as he looked down at me, "Sorry, I didn't mean to worry anyone but I wanted to be alone after what happened, I guess fell asleep the whole night." I told him as I sounded a bit sad. So many things running through my head about so much, "Are you alright?" He worriedly asked as he grabbed my shoulders, I looked up then back down as I brushed his hands away, "I'm fine." I told him while walking way, leaving him there in shocked at my behavior but that soon because he started chase after me and I started to walk fast, "Ron?!" He said as he also started to walk faster. "No." I said as I started to walk faster way from him, "Ron. Slow down?!" He said a bit louder but I didn't stop, I shut my eyes and my hands were in a fist while I kept walking faster, "No, I'm not going to?!" Right after I said that I felt someone grab me and pulled me into a hug, probably knowing that I would escape if he was only just holding my hand, "Why are you acting like a stranger, what's with your behavior?!" He asked as he rest his head on mine. "I don't know." I told him as quietly as I could, "It's alright, if you don't know right away." He told me as he was still hold, "Hey-uhhh, what are you gays doing~?" Pansy said with a weird almost like cat face as we jumped in fear- it was freaky, that face she made. "Nothing?!" Blaise told her as he let go of me with his hands up in the air, "Yea sure, nothing is going on." Pansy sarcastically said as she did quotation marks in the air with her hands, "Alright, since nothing is going on- I'm going to leave." I said as I left everyone there to head the secret library. "Ron?" I heard Hermione whispering voice say as they entered with Harry behind, "Are you alright, Ronnie?" I hate when he calls me that it's annoying, "I don't think he likes me the same. . . ." I whispered quietly not wanting neither of them to hear but that didn't work, "What makes you say that?" Hermione asked me as bent down to look at me as I lifted up my head to look at them, "It's a long story. . ." I paused myself remembering what exactly happened that day, "Let's hear it then." Harry said as he sat down in front of me- he almost looked like a therapist because of the he was sitting down with him looking at me in the eyes, "But we have study hall?!" I said whining about it and kinda trying to get out of telling them, "Well, we have tomorrow, don't we?" The lion told me, "No, we actually don't because we promised Ron's parents that we would go and have dinner with them." Hermione reminded Harry the lion about tomorrow's plans, "Oh.... Then tell us after Study Hall." He said as he stood up and started walking towards the secret library exit. I really hate Study Hall even more then I did before because they changed it from a hour and a half to two bloody hours?! It is unbelievable how they changed it in the middle of the school year- So what, next time they are going to shorten nutrition or free periods?!We went in to the dorms to get our things to study because Hermione told us to do so. As we were heading out, I saw Blaise walking by as he gave me a big smile but I ignored him- his smile slowly faded as he walked away because he thought I was going to look up and smile at him too but no. "Ron, remember today we have quidditch practice at 3:30 today." Lion told as we sat down, "Alright." I responded, I didn't know we had practice today- we usually have practice on Wednesday to Friday only. "What do we have to study for again?" I asked Hermione because I didn't remember what we had to do today for Study Hall, "We have to study for Astronomy study." Hermione said while taking out her Astronomy study notes, ugh Astronomy study is my worst subject- I'm going to fail the finals, RIP to my grades.

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