"You can hate me if it helps."

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⚠️WARING: This is not a gayness warning  well sort of is but it's mainly a TW warning(BEWARE)⚠️

(December 9)

I can never get some shut eye with these two idiotic prats always around me fighting all the damn time, "PANSY?! LOOK AT WHAT HE DID WITH MY SHIRT, ITS LAVENDER?!" I heard Blaise say as he tried waking me up, "what?" I told him as I got up to look at him to see the problem. All I'm going to say about it looking at it is it's absolutely stupid, "All right, first where is he and second you look absolutely stupid. Also not to mention, Did you know the gayest color is lavender, Blaise?" I told him, he looked offended at what I told him. "No and IM NOT GAY: I don't know where he is?!" he told as he got on my bed, "Fine, I will find him myself. And you never know until you try it " I said as I got up put my slippers and left down stairs while leaving a
a shocked Blaise behind, "Excuse me Fellow Slytherins, has anyone seen the White Ferret around here?!" I asked the people if they knew where he was and they all pointed at the door, one Slytherin said, "I saw walk out at 5:30pm when I was getting something to drink." "Thanks." , I thanked them and they nodded back as I left to search him but I bumped in to someone at the turn of a hall, "Draco. Draco. Draco, where are you?!" "Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry, where did you go. . . Oh sorry I didn't mean to bump in to you?!" I heard Hermione say as I was on the floor due to the impact of me taking the fall because I didn't want her to fall, "It's alright it was my fault for not looking where I was walking." I told her as I chuckled it off, "Ok then, I have to go." she told me as she started to walk off again, "Wait, please. . . . stay?" I asked while looking down at the floor, "Ok, I will stay." she told me with her hand out for me to get and she also had that sweet smile that I always love seeing because no one sees that smile except the golden trio or their friend so I just look at her from a far, we started walking and I have a gut feeling that I should tell her how I feel, "You know, you can hate me if it helps.", I said to her as we walked, "I don't hate you and will never hate in that way at least and I think I should be saying that to you, not you saying to me, Pansy." she told me as she looked at the ground, "So your not mad at me for what I did?" I asked her, "No, I'm not, I think I'm more confused about it than mad at it." She told me now looking at me, "Why?" I asked her and this really curious about her answer, "Because I get a weird feeling when I'm around you and when I'm with Ron, I don't feel the same way as I loved him before everything happen but we can never see what the future holds for me nor you, you know?" I nodded my head in response, We then heard a loud scream from Draco in the room right next to us,"WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO HARRY, ASTORIA?!" we went check it out and we saw a crazy looking Astoria and a worried looking Draco with a fainted Harry in his arm in a corner of the room. I grabbed my wand from the pocket of my cardigan, "Get the hell way from here now, thats an order?!" I told her and she turned around to look at me, "YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING HERE!" she yelled at me direction, oh Merlin's no, no one and I mean no one talks to me like that, "GET THE FUCK WAY FROM HERE NOW, I TRIED PLAYING NICE BUT NICE IS WAY TO GOOD FOR YOU!!!" I told her coldly and rough as possible to make her run off without hurting her but I guess that will not because she threw the first hex, "HERMIONE, TRY AND HEAL HARRY, DRACO USED UP HIS WAND?!" I said turning to her, she nodded and ran to them while I kept her busy for her not to notice Hermione, "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS, ASTORIA?!" I yelled at her for an answer, "ITS BECAUSE DRACO SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!!" She said as she hexed again but I dodged it, "ITS NOT DRACO THAT SHOULD KNOW BETTER. ITS YOU THAT NEEDS TO KNOW BETTER!!" I yelled back at her but this time I hexed her but with a sleeping that I learned from my father and I left her as I ran towards them and so there Hermione was crying out for him while she was chanting out, 'Come on, Harry.' or 'You can make it, Harry', she went on and on until we all saw Harry's breathing back to normal, we all sighed in relief of what happened right now, "We should take him to the hospital wing." I told them but Hermione nodded her head no, "why not?" I asked, "Because even though what she did to Harry is un-allowable behavior, it's not okay to get someone expelled nor get in trouble for it because we did use magic that we weren't suppose to use either." She was right we couldn't, "So what do you want us to do?" I asked her, "We take him to the two best students whom one is good at Herbology and the other is good at Health education or in other words health care." She told and we, me and Draco, looked at each other wondering who are the two people she is talking about but didn't ask any further questions to make at the Gryffindor house in time before it's to late, the living area was empty so it was early on for study hall, so most of the Gryffindor students are gone and it was easy to sneak in. We went to Harry's dorm, "Alright, wait here until I come back?" She said as she opened door for us to enter, she waited for us too agree before she left, we waited there patiently for them until we heard a knock and three people came in, Hermione and what looks to be Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley, they brought two medical bags, "Please move or go to the opposite side of the room please." Ginny said I as she ran to Harry as she placed her bag on the bed, opened the bag to grabbed a small thin flashlight, went towards his face to open one of his eyes and she checked it with and without the light,then she checked for his breathing, and after that she put her finger in his mouth and then wrote down in her booklet. She when up to Luna and whispered something and they just nodded and went to do what they were to do, "What did say to her and what are you?" Draco asked Ginny and I nudged him because he didn't respect them, "They go by They/them and I told them to make an antibiotic for Harry's case. Also, I'm a Medical Witch who study's Medical Health Care." She told us as she looked and nodded at them, "And I'm a Herbalist that studies the Medical side of Herbology and we are both in year three, in honors as well." They told us as they turn around from what they was doing as they told us that and then turned back around to continue their work, "Cool, do you guys do anything else?!" I asked them being interested in what they do, "I do Charms and Luna does The Care of Magical Creatures." She said to us while Luna nodded in agreement on what she said, "Oh, well I hope you guys succeed in the future." I told them smiling, they smiled back at me, "Thank you." Ginny told me, "It's done." I heard Luna say as they gave her a little vial with a substance that looked clear and green at the same time, she grabbed it dapped some of it on her finger and drew symbols a on Harry's face on all four sides of his face, forehead, both cheeks, and his chin. Then, she grabbed a syringe, the syringe sucked up the remaining liquid in the vial and pride-open his mouth with the syringe in the corner of his mouth, it didn't hurt him, we saw as the liquid was pushed into his mouth and the glowed inside him and you can see the liquid go through his throat and to his chest but couldn't see further due to his shirt but then the markings on his face glowed the same was as it stayed there until it started to fade  away slowly from his face. She did the same check as she did before and wrote down things in the booklet that she had before, she closed it while smiling, "He is going to be alright, he just needs some rest for a day or two."  She told as she packed up her stuff and ripped a page off another booklet, wrote on it then gave it to Hermione as she said something to and Hermione nodded, then they left, "So, what is going to happen now?" Draco asked us as he looked at Harry, "Waiting is probably our best option for now. Where are Blaise and Ron?!" She asked as she looked at the time, "Don't know but what ever they doing is no good, that's for sure." I told them and they both nodded in agreement about my response to the topic of the two Bimbos, we waited there in silence until we heard the door slam wide open, "WHAT HAPPENED TO HARRY?!" Ron asked us in a rush, "Oh my poor dear Harry Potter, what have they done to you?!" He statically said as he was crying like if he was a woman's who's husband had died, "Oh Ron, he is just fine." Hermione told him as she shuffled his hair, I wish she could do that with me and I'm guessing she saw my jealousy so she looked up and gave me a small smile, I smiled back, her smiles were way too precious to ignore them. Harry was unbothered by all the commotion that is happening because he is sleeping like sleeping beauty, like how Blaise sleeps but more peacefully than him though, "Is he actually alright?!" Ron asked Hermione but then Ginny came in and walked towards her, I couldn't really make out what she said to Hermione but I sort of heard, "Um, Do you know anything that is happening at home or what he is going through?" She said, "No, why do you ask? Is there something wrong?" Hermione asked her, "I'm not sure until it is confirmed. But something is off now that I think about it." She told her as she put on a fresh pair of gloves that were in her pocket, walk over to Harry, "Please, move big brother." She told Ron as he moved next to Hermione. She then, check his heart beat again and then this was kinda the shocking part, when she rolled his sleeve up you can see Bandages and bandages with dry blood cover them, she rolled it back down, "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to make you leave the room please." She told all except Hermione to leave we all left while Ron helped us sneak out and we then left out on the field to relax a bit. . . .

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