"Barely two words in and you already look like you want me dead"

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(December 10)

After I fainted  I woke I couldn't remember what happened or what made me pass out but something that I could remember was that a bright light and that glowing deer looking animal, "Harry?" I heard Draco said softly, I was in a room but I couldn't tell what room it was- it looked like a room. But It does look like a Slytherin room but different, "Where am I?" I asked him as I tried to get up, he then came closer to me, "You should be laying in bed Harry and this is my room that my father pays for but I don't use it that often- this is the Slytherin suite." He said as he put me back down on the bed as he told me as I looked more closer at the room. It is a very lovely room and you can see pictures hanged up with things around them, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a locket hanging on the wall- it was very beautiful. "What is that?" I asked him as I pointed to the locket, "Oh, it has a picture of me and my dog, Max." He said to me as he took it off the wall and handed it to me, to look at it. His dog looked like a small puppy here, he looks like a German shepherd mix with a Golden Retriever and then I looked at the other picture- it was a picture of him, he was probably around 8-10 years old, he looked adorable in that picture, "Is he still alive, is Max still alive?" He looked at me and nodded, "Yup, he is alive and he is a big boy. He is the only reason I like going home." He told me as he looked at the picture more. It was sad to hear that the only he goes him is because of Max, "Why can't you bring him here? They allow us to have at least two pets?" I asked him asked as I looked at him, "Well, I can do that but it would cause him his life. The reason why is because my father told me if I brought him here, the first thing he would do if he see him, he would beat him or even worse kill him." He told me as he looked sadder than he was already. "I'm sorry, I didn't me-" I was in the middle of my sentence due to Draco kissing me, both of his arms are on the side of me while I was in the middle of them, I was then pushed down, my legs were spread and his legs were in the middle of me- we were rubbing against each other. He then placed his hands on my back and I could feel the coldness of his hands on my back, *knock* *knock* "Can we come in?!" I heard someone say on the other side of the door. He then stopped, "Fix yourself." He said quietly as I was done- he open the door then he left to the bathroom and slammed the door a bit too hard because you can hear the noise of the slam?! Why would go to the bathroom and not say anything to me or them, that's a bit odd but I soon got distracted, "Hey, I see your awake?!" Pansy told me as I smiled at her. . .

Draco's POV

After I closed the door shut, I heard Pansy say something to Harry but I couldn't hear clearly and I locked door of  the bathroom then leaned against the door , 'He was wet- I could feel the wetness while I had both of my legs. . .' I thought as I unbuckled my trouser, 'I want to hold him, I want to touch him' as I began to jerk off- slowly at first then went faster, 'I want to be in him, I want to move, I want to lick, I want be in him, I want his blo-. . . .I want his blood? Since when in the bloody hell, I wanted to hurt him' I came as I was breathing heavily.and thought of why I thought of that at the last moment, am I a danger to him?, I thought as I cleaned up and buckled my trouser, that was a very odd thing to every think while doing something so sexual, could it be Blood lust- no it can't be, "What in the bloody hell?" I said to myself oh so quietly for no one was able to hear from the other side of this door or the wall but that will be something that will probably never happen due to my bathroom and this whole room in general having a charm spell- cased by my father because he thought that somebody would try and get information when we are talking in here. Also, for people not to hear him screaming at me nor him hitting me- how ironic that is. After I cleaned up, I put everything I used back to where they belong to not rise any suspicion to anyone especially Pansy and Harry, pansy is because she will use it against me or make fun of me and for Harry- its just embarrassing. I opened the door to see everybody snooping each and every corner of my room, "What are you guys doing?" I asked them as they stopped everything and turned to look at me, "We were only searching your room because of Pansy." Blaise told me, he then pointed at Pansy as if he was a child getting in trouble and trying to blame on the person who actually did it and Pansy just smacked him on his head- I just laughed at their stupidity, "So what your guys even looking for?" I asked Pansy as she kept searching through my nightstand then she gasped and that when I ran to her because I didn't know what she could have found- I haven't been in this room in a very long and I have only searched one cabinet which is the other side of the room, "Since when had you have and how did they through security?!" Pansy asked me as she handed me the box and I opened it. It had vapes, cigarettes, weed, a weed crusher, a small pipe, and condoms, "Uh, long story short, snuck it in using a charm spell." I said as I chuckled a bit as I scratched the back of my neck, "So, I'm guessing that everything is expired because it has been a long time?!" She asked me as she kept looking at- same as the others, "Yes and no, reason being is because most of them don't expire- what so ever." I told them then I grabbed the box from them and closed, "So, you are just going to keep it?" Blaise asked, "Yep, it would be such a waste and if we try throwing it away, we would get in trouble, if we burn it- everyone near it would just get high." I told them as I looked at the box then at them, "Fine, keep it." Pansy and whatever Pansy say's goes. "Draco, where are the baby pictures?!" Pansy asked as she began to search again, "I don't want you to find anything else and we grew up together you saw my baby face more than anyone besides Blaise, Pansy." I told her but she didn't listen, "I don't care if we grew up together- I still want to see those baby pictures and that baby face of yours" she said as she turn around to look at and at least she stopped searching, "Fine." I gave in to her as I walked over to a wardrobe, grabbed a box that was there and placed it on the bed, "There, happy?" I asked her being a bit sarcastic, "Yes, very much indeed and before you open this box there is some photos of me and Blaise with Draco- some are cute and some are. . .you will see." She said to the golden trio as she had a bit of a pink tint to her cheeks because I think she remembers some photos that are in here or the ones that I have. There is a picture that has me and Blaise- he is trying to catch me, we were probably playing tag. Then, there was another picture of all us at the table- Pansy in the middle with her arm crossed, l was on her right, Blaise was on her left. We were both making weird funny faces at each other and baby Pansy just was not having it with our bullshit, "You guys are so cute in this picture- especially Pansy." Hermione told as she kept looking at the picture, "Stop saying that- it's embarrassing" she told Hermione as the pink tint she had before became darker, "Damn, so cheesy- ew" I said to Pansy, "Shut up and leave our relationship alone- let's not even talk about your friend with benefit relationship with Harry!?" she told me as she pointed her finger at me because she couldn't hit me due to Hermione holding her back from doing anything to me, so I just smiled knowing that and that just made her want to hit me even more, "Fine, I see how you want to play, so I'm taking out the big guns." Pansy told me as I just looked because I know all the pictures that were taken of me so there isn't any, I thought as Pansy stood up went to the same wardrobe and took out a yellow envelope that was mid-size and sat back down on the bed and opened. As she opened it, everyone was crowd around her trying to see what was in that envelope, "Look don't you remember these photos, Draco?" she asked me knowing what I was going to say to her after she showed me all the pictures as she spread all of the pictures she had on the bed- there were five pictures of me and there was one that caught my attention and I took it before anyone can see. It was one of where I was around three year old when this photo was taken of me, I was running away from my father and was naked but I had the bubbles of the bubble bath I had before I ran away from my father- this was properly the last time we ever were so close together like that but I never wish of going back like that with him again even if those time were the beat time with him; I put it in my pocket before any of them had the opportunity to see it, "Hey, that is my picture and I didn't say you could take it?!" She yelled at me, "Too bad; It's mine now."she sighed, "So, is this the best you can do?" I asked Pansy as I did a cheeky cocky smile at her, she did not like that at all because she then grabbed the remaining pictures of the ones in the envelope, she looked through them until she found the one she was looking for in the pretty big but mid-size stack of them; she handed it to me and I looked at the picture. It was a picture of me and Blaise- we were maybe around 9-10 years old but that was not the what the picture is about. It was of me and him on a bed, he was on top of me with his both hands holding both of my hands down, "How did you get this and where did you get it?" I asked her as I had a small blush appearing on my face and all the group were getting curious about the pictures- they were trying to see it but before they could see I put it in my pocket, "Well, I took it by myself with your mother's camera and we printed it out together." She told as she chuckled a bit as she collected all of them and put them back in the envelope, I guess this was one of my pictures I could keep without her complaining about taking one of her photos. "Can you leave now- I'm tired and Harry probably is too?!" I told her as. She then nodded, "Alright I guess- let's go you guys. Let's leave the love birds alone." Pansy told me as I tsked at Pansy but she just grinned at me as she shushed everyone out of the room and closed the door.

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