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(December 6)

Man. After thanksgiving break, everything has been so off or like the same energy is not here no more. For instance, My love of my life is acting unusual and I don't know maybe more weird than ever I guess, I'm also dating someone from the opposite sex that I like and not because I want to but because I have to, I think I'm going to break up by the 14-20 because I want to go with Harry for the winter dance we are having of course. I woke up from my beauty sleep to Blaise snoring so what better way to wake someone up as a Malfoy you may ask? Well throwing something at them and the closest thing to me to throw at Blaise was a pillow so. . . 'PILLOW UP IN THE AIR!!!!!' I thought as I threw the pillow towards Blaise's direction and boom right on the target, "OW. . .DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!!!!!" "Oh shit run!!" I got up from my bed and open the door, obviously if I'm trying to slow a person that on the other side of door. . . you lock it, I ran down the stairs and I just hear a boom on door, "YOU DO THIS ALMOST EVERY SINGLE DAY!!" "Welp, not my problem, Blaz?!" I said as I ran to the slyterin kitchen, where Pansy is. "Pansy, help me?!" I told her as I ran behind her even though I'm way taller than her but still she save me every time-3-, "I'm not saving your ass this time, drakypoo." She said sipping on her coffee, "why not?!" I asked her, "because I save your ass every time you do this to him." "DRACO, COME HERE AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN WITH BALLS!!!!" He said launching himself at me and Pansy direction, "Pansy?!" I said shaking her, she gave me a look that said 'Fine' all over "Down." Pansy said crossing her arms and looked into Blaise eyes and out of nowhere boom Blaise is down on the ground looking like a sad puppy getting lectured and he was by Pansy with me in the back nodding my head to everything that came out of Pansy like I had nothing to do with it but then stopped when she said "And as for you, your just a Childish Ferret who likes picking on people, so don't pretend that your not involved in this nor in this lecture." "Wait, what?" I told as she turned towards me and started lecturing me?!?!? When did the tables turn?!
After that, we sat there like little children in timeout until Pansy was done with her first cup of coffee of the day, we got ready in our uniform and ropes with our book bag of course, then we left to the first class of the day which is 'History of Magic' and that's a boring class even though it's an advanced class and we are learning about fucking goblins. It's not like we will be needing this shit in real life and the class room is taught by a ghost, that's fucking ludicrous but whatever but thank Merlin's beard that I have my godfather after this class. I walked into the class and Harry writing down notes, I walked in front of him, "Hello, Potter. Nice hand writing you got there?!" I said snatch his notebook and looking at his handwriting, 'it's so damn good -3-' , "Give it back, Malfoy?!" "Nah, I think I'm keeping it, thanks." I said as I skipped along to the opposite side of where he is sitting which is next to me, I didn't listen to most of the lesson and drew on Harry's note book, forgetting it's not mine but oh well, I did it anyways

" I said as I skipped along to the opposite side of where he is sitting which is next to me, I didn't listen to most of the lesson and drew on Harry's note book, forgetting it's not mine but oh well, I did it anyways

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It looks like a work of art, it's just so amazing that I could sell it for millions, I would be way rich than potter with his gold. I'm going to give it back to him in potions class for him to see my beautiful art I made just for him and the next thing I knew class was being dismissed, so walked over Harry, "Hey, Harry Potter come here real quick?!" I yelled out for him, he mumbled back and forth with his friends before they finally left, "What do you want, Draco?" He told me Looking up at me "I want you to sit next to me for potions, Harry." I said putting a childish grin on my face, "I'm guessing this is a order not a request?" "Bingo." "Fine, I don't see why not?" He says walking away and stopped, "Are you coming, Ferret?" He said before he continued walking as I caught up to him with a smile. When we got there I greeted my godfather but he just looked at me with a 'I don't know what your up to but you better stop this immediately?!' Look but I just rolled my eyes and walked by Harry side again, we sat in the back of the class so we could talk a bit more but I forgot about what we were doing today so it will be kinda impossible to talk, "hey, I was wondering if you could help me with Muggle Studies and Astronomy?" I said looking at him with pleading eyes, "sure I guess as long as you keep that Myrtle's bathroom thing between us, Alright?" "Alright." I said smiling at him, "Draco, would you like to tell me what the potion does?" Professor Snape aka my godfather asked me, shit the only I didn't study for because I thought I knew. . ."notebook, first page, sticky note?!" I hear Harry whisper to me, so I grabbed the notebook that I have stolen from him, opened it to see a purple sticky note, "it's a love potion that cannot be taken but can smelled, reason being is that it will not create nor make love. It will just make a obsession over the creator." I nervously spoked and looked up at him, "Well Draco, next time I expect you to know the answer without notes, am I clear, Draco?!" He told me, I nodded, "Now then, Mr.Potter tell me the rest?!" He look at Harry, "Yes, so for it to work or be used properly, it will not be necessary to drink, it's only to be smelled and you will smell at least three smells with meaning in the potion." He said as he sat back down, " thank you, Mr. Potter. Now then you will be writing the ingredients for the potion in your notebook." He instructed us while writing the ingredients on the board:
Ingredients for
Amortentia Potion:

•Standard potion water
•Ashwinder Eggs
•Rose Thorns
•Refined Peppermint Oil
•Mother of Pearl
•Drop of blood or lock of hair of the potion-creator

Harry tapped me on the shoulder and asked for his notebook back I gave it to him, his face was priceless. I guess he loved my doodles I did ;). . .

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