"You don't know fuck about my family!?"

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(December 11)

'Ugh, I feel terrible' I thought to myself as I looked to my left to see Blaise sleeping so peacefully. I chuckled to myself as I reached a hand to cup his face in my hand but then he opened his eyes and I made a whimpering sound, he smirked at me like if I did that noise on purpose, "Morning, sunshine." He told as he kiss my forehead, "It's not even morning." I told him, "How can you tell that it is not still morning, if there is no windows in the room that the Room of Requirements?" He asked me as he pointed at the whole room we are in, "uh-huh, whatever you say, Mr. I know everything." After I said that he pinned to the bed we are on, "Say that again and I will do something worse than last night to you." He in a seductive way but he is not winning this, "Mmm, kinky. You are so kinky, Mr. I know everything~" I said but he just started chuckled with a low tone, "I'm going to break you into pieces~" "haha. Try me~". . . .

Hermione's POV

'Where the heck is that Weasley' I thought as I was reading a book, "Babe?!" I heard Pansy say to me as she was a bit out of breath, "Spill it, hermosa?!" I told her as I got up from where I was reading and put my book down. She blushed at what I said to her but she kinda ignored it, "Oh-uh, Have you seen Blaise around?!" She asked as I grabbed her shoulders lightly and she grabbed my waist, "No, I haven't- I was going say if you seen Ron but I'm going to guess that you don't know where he is?" I asked her, "Uh yeah, I haven't seen him since breakfast like Blaise." She said as she thought about it, "Well, we could go ask the gay people." "Uhh, you mean Harry and Draco?" I said to her but it was pretty cute but mean, "They sound the same to me." She told me and I put my book away my small bag I always carry- Ron gave it to me as a gift for my birthday when we were in first year and I have used it since then. She kissed my forehead then we started walking to where probably the other couple would be at and we were right. They were about to eat until Pansy kinda dragged me over to them, "Hey, are you gays busy?" Pansy asked Draco as I was by her side, "Why?" Draco asked us, "Have you gays seen the friends with benefits or no?" Pansy asked them and I guess Draco realized something, "Pansy, did you just say gays instead of guys two times in a row?!" He asked/yelled (at) her but she just laughed, "I think I'm going to use that more often, haha." I chuckled softly at their kiddish behavior, Draco who just huffed his pouty-ness away, "And to answer your question, no we have not seen them. Why are you asking?" He asked both of us, "Well, they both left the Great Hall at the same time and haven't came back not to mention none of the Wesley's know where their brother went, so any guesses on what they are doing?" I said to them, "Fucking, is my guess." at the end of his sentence he got a big smack on the head by Pansy. Could they actually be fucking? "Hey Draco, are you ok?" I asked him as I bend down to see him and while I bent down I tucked my skirt behind me and before I touched his shoulder, he bounced up, "Yeah, I'm alright. You guys should go check where they are- see if they are ok." He said as he looked at me, "Alright then, come on darling." I said I grabbed Pansy hand again and we took off, "Hey, are you ok, sweet potato?" Pansy asked, I get why she's worried, "There are things bothering me but it fine- it's not to worry about." I told her as I smiled but she saw through it, "Spill it, love." She said, "Well, in the beginning of our fourth year, me and Draco may have messed around with each other but it wasn't really what we wanted from each other but that is just how things ended up being because. . . .we were both at a. . ." I stopped talking because the thing I was going say something super secretive that not even Harry knows, "Come on, spill it. You both were at a what?" She jokingly asked, "Well, it is something nobody else knows besides Draco." I told her, huffing at the end, "I never knew this would be so hard to talk about. And I kinda feel it's a bit too early in the relationship for me to tell you the whole story." I told almost tearing up a bit, "It's okay, I don't mind you just telling me a short summary. You know I will never judge you for something you did in the past or anyone in general." She said as made me look at her and gave me a sweet gentle smile, "We were both at a bar, we were not there together but for some odd reason we were seating next to each other. We both were pretty wasted but not to wasted that we didn't know what we were doing though, he hit on me first then it escalated to us going to an abandoned place and I think you know what happened then." I said as we hugged, I don't I'm ready to tell her everything about it just yet, "I'm so sorry." She told me, "No, it's alright- I'm sort of over it but not sure if Draco is and if you want to know I'm sober but I don't think he is." As I said that she looked at me confused probably because of what I said at the end of my sentence, "What do you mean by that, Love?" She asked me, "I think you should talk to him about it not me because I don't know the full story, I only know a few chapters." I told her as she nodded in response and she hugged me again, I don't think his side of the story should be coming from me, anything about it should not come from my mouth but his- like I don't even know why he was there in the first place or why did he do it but to me it was a drunken mistake that should've never happened. . . .

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