"Why do you let him hit you, Draco?"

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(December 11/12)

Draco's POV

"That's Bullshit!" I yelled  as I knocked down the dresser and the picture fell of me and father. I couldn't look at it anymore then the next I know I was stomping on it, "Damn it, Damn it, DAMN IT ALL!" on the last stomp it made a loud sound and when I move my feet from it. It made the picture-frame slide all the to the mirror I had, I walked of over there and looked in the mirror, "I have no time to waste for a runt like you." My father's voice replayed in my head, "Shut it!" I yelled out as punched the mirror and bandages began to unravel and my knuckles began to bleed again, "Shut it, shut it, SHUT UP ALREADY!" I scream out and as every time I screamed I would punch the mirror, "Draco!" I heard Harry and it sounded like he was huffing due to him probably running, "Oh no, Draco your knuckles?!" He said as he sort of ran towards me, "Harry. . ." I told him as I snapped back in what was real, "You want to sit down?" He asked me as he was in between my arms and he was looking up at me. "Yea ok." I told him as we started to walk to my bed. I sat down and as soon as Harry sat down I threw myself on him then the tears started to pour out- silently. "I'm sorry for how Ron acted and-" He began to apologize for what happened but I wasn't going to let him, "No." I told him as he was talking, "Uh?" He said confused about what I said, "Your the last person who should be apologizing to me." I said as I looked up at him, "but-" before he could even finish what he was going to say, I kissed him, "Stop being so apologetic." I told him as I smiled at him and he smiled but then his went serious, "Hey Draco, I know it's not none of my business but what is up with all of the injuries- I have noticed them since first year but they have gotten more worse and they have become more careful daily? Seems like they never heal?" He asked me as we were still in the same position- my head facing a bit to the side and up to face him as I had one leg up and one stretch out with my arm wrapped around his waist and his arms kinda resting on my shoulders, "It alright, I feel like I'm ready to tell you that. Well, my father has been very abusive ever since I could remember- both mentally and physically but mother is kinda mentally abusive. I get abused both way by my father and my mother gets mentally abused by my father. . ." I couldn't speak anymore due to all the tears running down my face and my breathing was getting uneven, "Why do you let him hit you, Draco?" He asked kinda whispering it with anger and sadness, "Because I want to protect the people who love me back as much as I do." I told him as I kept crying, "Oh Draco, everything will be ok. What I am about say my sound rude but if he ever does it again or in front me, I will do something about it and not anything nice." He told me giving a stern face. I don't deserve him- he deserve the world and more,  "Thank you, Darling. I don't know what I would do without you." I said smiling at him, "Me neither." As Harry said I thought of something but is it a bad timing,  "Hey Harry?" I asked, "Yes love?" "Would you care for a dance with me?" He smiled, "I would love too but first let's clean you up and then the room alright?" He asked me, "As long as I get my dance." We both chuckled as I got up and walked over to the bathroom as Harry followed behind me as I sat on the sink's counter as Harry took at the first aid kit. . .

After, wrapping my hand again and cleaning the mess, I put the song Happy together by Gerard Way on my phone with a speaker, "Shall we, my sweet unforgettable thing?" I asked as my hand was out for him to grab it, "We shall, my needy ferret." He said as he grabbed my hand and we started to dance in a fun way but then it became romantic like as if it was only me and him in the whole entire world. We stopped dancing as we looked into each-other's eyes then slowly moved closer, our lips touched but it couldn't go more from there because Ms. Patty-cakes barged in with her lady, "You Gays, stop acting so gay?!" Ms. Patty-cakes said as she entered the room. . .

Harry's POV

That was a perfect moment me and Draco had until Pansy entered the room with Hermione, "You Gays, stop acting so gay?!" She said as entered the room and walked up us, "You really like getting on my nerves." Draco as they both were mad-dogging each other but it was pretty funny to see the height difference between them- people just grow way to fast sometimes, "Well, that's my job- get use to it already sweetheart because it is never going to stop any time soon." she told him as she smiled almost in a evil way, "Whatever." He said as he moved behind in order to hug me from the back, "So what is it now?" Draco asked, "Well, remember when Harry asked you out? I was thinking maybe we should go on a double date on Sunday?" Hermione asked us but it was more directed towards Draco, "I almost forgot about that because of what happened that day- I don't see why not?" He said as he looked at me, "Yea, that sounds nice but what time? I have something to do?" I asked, "How about for breakfast?" Pansy said, "ehh. . ." Me and Draco said at the same time, "What's wrong?" 'Mione asked even though she already knew my response and I guess Pansy knew both of our response, "That's the point, we want you guys to eat breakfast for once." Pansy told us as Hermione nodded at what she told us. Me and Draco started chuckling nervously, the last I ate a proper breakfast was not very good but it won't hurt to try it again, "Then it's settled, I'm going go book our spot for 10:00am, is that good?" Hermione asked all of us, we all agreed. "Hey, I have another thing to say." Pansy said almost heading out but I'm guessing she remembered something, "Yes?" Draco responded, "What happened between you and Ron?" She asked him, "Well long story short, he talked about how I had everything I ever wanted and how my family was 'perfect'." He said as he became kinda pissed, "Oh I'm sorry Draco, I-" Hermione tried to apologize for Ron like she always does for everybody she's close to, it's not a really good habit but yeah, "No, it's alright. He's is probably going through something and he will probably apologize sooner or later." Hermione nodded at what he said, "Well, it is almost curfew, so me and Harry should start heading out." 'Mione told them because then it would be almost impossible to sneak into the dormitory for many reasons. They agreed that we should start heading out, "Hey Harry." Hermione said as she looked at me, "Yes Miney?" I asked as we stopped near a window near the dorms, "Do you think I would be a good Student-Teacher?" She asked me as she was looking out the window, "Yes, I do believe that you will do great but why are you asking?" I asked her, "Well Professor Mcgonagall, offered the same thing as Professor Snape offered to Draco." She told me as turned to look at me, "If you actually become one, does that mean you will be helping Draco out when Snape and Mcgonagall go on there business trip?" I asked her, "Yep, I told Professor that I will give an answer for it tomorrow during tutoring." She told me smiling, I can't believe her dream was finally coming true- to become a Student-Teacher. She has applied to become one but they would always reject her not because of the test they make you do but because of what year she is in. You have to be in six year or higher to qualify for it but due to the hard work she does and the extra work she does proved that she was more than capable of becoming one but Draco on the other hand, I wouldn't say he is the opposite of her. We were sleepy and didn't have the energy to go up the stairs so slept one the couch. . .

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