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(December 2)

Harry's POV

'Fuck. I'm late' I thought while running towards station 9 3/4 and all because of what happened with my uncle this morning and man does it hurt so bad, I had my hand where it's hurting the most, which is located near my chest and stomach but then stopped as soon as I got near the entrance because I didn't want them to see me hurt, so I tried my best to put a smile on my face and walked in to the wall between station 10 and 9 then came out on the other side just to see Ron snogging Hermione, well it does make sense that there being all lovey dovey but why at the train station ugh, "For Merlin's sake Ron, why out of all places to snog Hermione, you choose the train station, really Ron?!" I told him while they pulled apart from each other, Hermione looked way blushing multiple shades of red and Ron just chuckled while scratching the back of his neck nervously staring at me, "Sorry, Harry" He said looking at me. I just shuck my head in response, we didn't even realize that the train was already there but we never heard a sound and it was already kinda packed except for the back of the train, so we went to the back trolley, in the far back there was two compartments left, one with two sits left and one with a sit left. These compartments were pretty small, Hermione and Ron went inside the first one and I went to the second one, to my surprise there was a someone who I hated since my first year of Hogwarts and that was Draco Fucking Malfoy but he may be my enemy but I have liked him since my second year here and I don't know why I like him but I just do for some reason, "ugh, why Pottah out of all people, Pottah?!" He said looking at me up and down like I was something disgusting but I was only wearing a long sleeve shirt with black jeans and my ripped hand-me down red converse from Dudley. So I don't understand why he is disgusted by me or my appearance- it hurts me when he says things like this because I want him to like me, "it's pronounced 'Potter' not 'Pottah', Malfoy?!" I told him while putting my luggage away and putting Hedwig's cage on the couch-like sitting, Then, sat down next to the window staring out. I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me, I look up to see Malfoy's staring went back down at his book. I just rolled my eyes and looked back out at the window, I then fell asleep but that peaceful nap ended with a terrible nightmare that I was locked up inside that weird closet of my uncle, it was dark, dirty, and last but not least really really really small. . .
I woke up in cold sweat while Draco was looking at me almost worried, for me?!
"Are you alright?" He asked me leaning forward but since the compartment was pretty small, so we were pretty much face to face at the point and that made me blush a little too much, "Are you feeling well?" He said putting his hand on my forehead and then he grabbed my hand with his other hand, I felt like I was going to die right then and there but I snapped back to reality when I heard him say "Harry, your shaking?!" "I-I am?" I replied shakily looking up at him, he nodded taking his hand off mine then he took off his sweatshirt and fixed it up a bit before handing it to me, "here." "Thanks I guess"I said giving a small smile while still blushing, "it's no problem." He replied blushing a tiny bit with a small smile on his face too but he was quickly wiped off by him, it's so odd to see him blush like that. I wonder why he  is but it's probably because it's cold. Right?! His hoodie smelled like roses and caramel, I put it on; it's so comfy that I fell back asleep. I woke up 15 minutes before the train stop at Hogwarts, I got up and got my uniform and ropes, got ready. I put Draco's sweatshirt under my uniform and ropes. Then, I woke him up "Draco, get up?!" Did I just called him by his first name, oh well but he did call me Harry not Potter so. . . ,"Nooo, five more minutes?!?!" He told me sleepily while having his arm up to shush me, I rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm, pulled him to the floor *BOOM* he landed on the floor which woke him up completely, he got up and faced me but boy was he tall, "Your a tall ass tree, Draco." I said looking up with a straight face on, "Well your a short stack, Harry!" He told me patting my head then he went to change. I went to grab my phone from the tiny table we had in our compartment and checked the time

 I went to grab my phone from the tiny table we had in our compartment and checked the time

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It was 4:50pm already, I placed my phone down after that, Draco came back ready to go. He looked so handsome in that uniform, "Oi gryffindork, why did you call me by my name?" He asked me while putting his lounge clothes away, "First of all, don't call me 'gryffindork' and well you were the first one who started the first name calling. Plus we're not friends nor we are in a friendly terms and we aren't in any truce either?!" I told him crossing my arms while looking away from him, "Well we could be, if you want to be ?!" He stated while getting closer to me and I freaked out because yet again he's way too close to my face, "friends?" I asked with a mess of emotions on my face, leaning towards the tiny table with my hands behind my back holding the table for support before I almost fell on to the floor, "really, you sure?" I asked him looking up at his eyes, "Yes, I am sure, Harry." He reassured me and give me a kind expression. I turned around because I didn't want him to see me blush then I noticed that there was two initials on the wall under the tiny table, it looks like it says: L+N 1995, I wonder what that means. I will keep that in mind for next time. After that, I got a message from Hermione saying;

Where are you?!
Me and Ron are waiting
for you outside?!
Delivered 4:67

"I have to go. Sorry but see you around?!" I asked him while grabbing my stuff, "sure." He said back while I left the compartment with hedwig's cage including hedwig obviously is inside of the cage. I walked out of the train to see Hermione talking to Ginny, Luna, and Pansy?!?!?! What in the Merlin's is going on. Then, I turn to the opposite side and I see Ron, Neville, and Blaise?!?!?! Together. Wow today is a strange day. First, I wake up a bit late and get beaten by my some called uncle and Dudley. After, that I get put in to that closet of my uncle. After that, I had share a compartment with my worst enemy and then we become friends out of nowhere?!?!?!?! And that's not the weirdest part of the day, it probably has to be the golden trio and the BPD ( Blaise, Pansy, Draco) group being friends or a truce with each other?!?!?! I don't know any more, "Harry" what's going to happen next, "HARRY?!?!" I finally snapped out of whatever I was thinking and looked who was saying my name. It was 'moine. She coming closer to me, "huh?!" I said as she walked up to me, "Are you ok, Harry?!" She asked me, she put her hand on my shoulder, which made me look at her, "Yes Hermione, I'm fine." I told her with a sweet smile and she smiled back. "Oh I forgot to tell you that me and Ron made up with Pansy and Blaise, is that fine with you Harry?!" She was so happy when she told me that. She probably thought I would be mad at them but no, I'm not, I'm just glad that their getting along. "No, I'm completely fine with it and that's great?!" I said hugging her, she was shocked at first but gladly accepted it by hugging back. "No problem, Her-Her." She just had the bright smile on her face right now. Then, I heard two familiar voices, one was Hagrid's voice saying, "Oi, Harry-ya-boy. There ya are?!"
The other was Draco's saying, "Harry?!". I faced Draco and said "Wait, let me talk to Hagrid first?!" "Alright." He said while going to Pansy. . .

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