"Harry...I don't want to die." Pt.1

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(December 12, 11:34)

Pansy's POV

"Pansy, please stop walking back and forth in the common room, "I can't, I can't stop thinking about what could be happening to him?!" I said anxiously because of the things that have happened to him in the past and I hate thinking about it, now that I remember it, what happened to his drug box. I thought about it as I started walking towards his room with Blaise following right behind me. When I opened his door, his nightstand drawer was wide open and that is where his box was, "It's empty?!" I said I grabbed the box and then I heard some noises downstairs and I knew who exactly it was coming in to the dorm's, "Shit!" I whispered-yelled under my breath as I got up quickly and I tossed the box to the ground as I ran down stairs quickly as I possibly could without falling down. "Draco?!" I said as he was leaning against the picture frame, I ran to him. "Hey what happened to you, you smell like booze and cigarettes, Draco?!" I told him as he looked up at me- his eyes look so sad. "Pish, no I don't- I'm fine~" he said slurping him words, "Draco, look at me, love- you are slurping your words ." I told him as he looked at me, "Ok, we are going to get up. Blaise, come and help me with him?!" I yelled out for Blaise because he was just standing by the stairs but once he heard me, he came to me as quickly as he could. After he grabbed on to Draco, "Alright, we are going to lift you in, 1 2 3?!" I said as me and Blaise lifted him up, walked to the couch, then placed him down. I wonder why would he do this to himself. . .

Panz 🦋🫧🐿:

Hey, I need your help and don't tell Harry- plz don't tell him.


Oh ok omw but is everything ok, love?

Panz 🦋🫧🐿:

Yea, I guess you can say but not really- just come over.

I put down my phone and put all of my attention back to Draco, trying to make him as comfortable as possible with the condition his is in now until Hermione came. "Pans?!" They said as we both turned towards Hermione direction, "Love, you are here." I said as I got up to hug her, they hugged me with reassurance that they were they to help me with whatever I needed, "What happened?!" They asked me as she stopped hugging me and went to Draco, "Well, you were the only person who I knew who has handled someone or drunk yourself and Draco is . . . High and drunk. And I don't even know how to deal with it?!" I said as I wanting to cry, "Oh, it's ok, Love, don't cry. Draco look at me." Hermione told me then looked at Draco

Hermione's POV
I can't believe that Draco relapsed again but yet again I can't imagine what he is going through right now. His eyes were so red and his pupils were so big- he looked tired. "Ok, um Blaise, go get me a glass of water and a thick blanket, please?" I told him as I sat down on the couch, "H-Hermione, I f-fucked up. . .~" Draco grumbled as he talked, "You fucked up what, Draco?" I gently asked, "Harry." Oh so that is why they didn't meet up at the Quidditch pitch and also why Harry wanted to be with me- he rarely does anymore and he was so happy to go too, "What happened between you and Harry?" I asked him, "SsSshhh, it's a secret~" he told me as he slurped his words again. "Ohh, Draco." I said under my breath, "I got the things you need?! Here." Blaise said as He handed me things, "Here, Draco." I wrapped him up in the thick blanket then gave him the glass of water, "I'm going to get some pain medicine from your dorm, pans." I told her as I got up and padded her back as I left going up the stairs. I'm so glad that Pansy doesn't have a roommate- she gets a whole room and bathroom by herself. "Her bathroom looks nicer when she has her lights on." I whispered quietly to myself as I when into her bathroom- I will always adore how her bathroom looks:

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