42. Note to self; Don't Do It You Son of A-

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I have something for you at the end of this chap, but read first❤️

Sunday, 11th august 2019.

'We can go back to hating each other tomorrow.'

Well, tomorrow came.

Despite Laila begging her family, they had to get going less than 24 hours after the coronation. Her family; Daddy, Mami, Mama Adda, Shehu, Modibbo, and Muslim were flying to Abuja for an event they were attending, leaving only Maya behind who after so much persuasion was staying back for a week.

Now those were the least of Laila's worries. The most pressing matter was the fact that Sudais and Naja's wedding was set a week from then. She had managed to convince herself she was okay with it, but she wasn't. Neither did she bother to hide it.

Naja was perfect, probably everything Sudais wanted in a woman and it scared her. The thought that she'd be shunned to the side scared her. She needed attention, all of the time and all of it. And now, she had to share it, with someone better than her in everything.

Did she say she was an egomaniac? Someone in love with themselves? She took it back. No one in love with themselves would do that.

As if that wasn't enough, this came;

"Naja is here and wants to greet your parents."

Laila almost thrashed the packaged kaftan she held with her hands. She rose narrowed eyes and pursed lips at his bent figure.

Her glare seemed to pass him and if it didn't, he did well in hiding that it did as he lifted the squishy packs one by one in search of a Kaftan while Laila held them.

"We'll be going to the guest house together."

That did it, the last bit of patience she had flown out, her body tensed up as she threw the stacked Kaftans to the floor and took a step back.


Pointing a firm index to the floor, she gritted. "She is not seeing or greeting my parents."

He breathed loudly through his nose, tightening his lips. "She is just greeting them, they deserve a formal introduction anyway."

"Are you okay?" She motioned at her temple with a finger, then thrashed her arms, almost hitting him. "You're not even married."

"I'm marrying her in less than 7 days. And you," he pointed an index at her, "You better put that through your thick skull. I wasn't asking you, i was telling you."

"What are my parents going to think?"

Frown wrinkles formed on his forehead as he shook his head, "That's me showing respect. They know I'm bound to remarry, your dad already gave me his blessings but i want them to always know they'll be my most respected in-laws."

She picked no reason in what he had said. She wasn't going to calm down and did well by stabbing her fingers into her chest. "She is not seeing my parents. Ni, Laila nace Naja'atu baza taga iyaye na ba."

He mirrored her, stabbing a finger into his chest. "Ni Abba nace Naja'atu will greet your parents. Chew glass for all i care." He finished, kicking the Kaftans on the floor as he turned and headed to the door, he couldn't breathe the same air as her anymore.

Stomping her feet, she yelled. "I don't want you to marry her!"

He stopped in his tracks, turning with a raised brow as he shook his head and chuckled. "I don't care who you want me to marry or not. I want to marry-i have to marry her."

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